All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractEncryptedConfig |
Account |
Account.AccountAsset |
Account.AccountCurrency |
Account.AccountInfo |
Account.AccountLease |
Account.AccountProperty |
Account.ControlType |
Account.Event |
Account.PublicKey |
AccountLedger |
Maintain a ledger of changes to selected accounts
AccountLedger.Event |
Account ledger listener events
AccountLedger.LedgerEntry |
Ledger entry
AccountLedger.LedgerEvent |
Ledger events
There must be a ledger event defined for each transaction (type,subtype) pair.
AccountLedger.LedgerHolding |
Ledger holdings
When adding a new holding, do not change the existing code assignments since
they are stored in the holding_type field of the account_ledger table.
AccountRestrictions |
AccountRestrictions.PhasingOnly |
AddOn |
AddOns |
AddPeer |
AddPeerCall |
AfterStart |
Alias |
Alias.Offer |
AndroidDirProvider |
AnonymouslyEncryptedData |
API.XFrameOptionsFilter |
APICall |
APICall.Builder<T extends APICall.Builder> |
APICall.InvocationError |
APICallGenerator |
APIConnector |
APIEnum |
APIInProcessConnector |
APIProxy |
APIProxyServlet |
APIRemoteConnector |
APIServlet |
APIServlet.APIRequestHandler |
ApiSpec |
APITag |
APITestServlet |
Appendix |
Appendix.AbstractAppendix |
Appendix.AbstractEncryptedMessage |
Appendix.Encryptable |
Appendix.EncryptedMessage |
Appendix.EncryptToSelfMessage |
Appendix.Message |
Appendix.Phasing |
Appendix.Prunable |
Appendix.PrunableEncryptedMessage |
Appendix.PrunablePlainMessage |
Appendix.PublicKeyAnnouncement |
Appendix.UnencryptedEncryptedMessage |
Appendix.UnencryptedEncryptToSelfMessage |
Appendix.UnencryptedPrunableEncryptedMessage |
ApproveTransaction |
ApproveTransactionCall |
Asset |
Asset.AssetProperty |
Asset.Event |
AssetDividend |
AssetDividend.Event |
AssetHistory |
AssetHistory.Event |
AssetTransfer |
AssetTransfer.Event |
Attachment |
Attachment.AbstractAttachment |
Attachment.AbstractShufflingAttachment |
Attachment.AccountControlEffectiveBalanceLeasing |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsAskOrderCancellation |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsAskOrderPlacement |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetDelete |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetIncrease |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetIssuance |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetProperty |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetPropertyDelete |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetQuantity |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetTransfer |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsBidOrderCancellation |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsBidOrderPlacement |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsDividendPayment |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsOrderCancellation |
Attachment.ColoredCoinsOrderPlacement |
Attachment.DigitalGoodsDelisting |
Attachment.DigitalGoodsDelivery |
Attachment.DigitalGoodsFeedback |
Attachment.DigitalGoodsListing |
Attachment.DigitalGoodsPriceChange |
Attachment.DigitalGoodsPurchase |
Attachment.DigitalGoodsQuantityChange |
Attachment.DigitalGoodsRefund |
Attachment.EmptyAttachment |
Attachment.MessagingAccountInfo |
Attachment.MessagingAccountProperty |
Attachment.MessagingAccountPropertyDelete |
Attachment.MessagingAliasAssignment |
Attachment.MessagingAliasBuy |
Attachment.MessagingAliasDelete |
Attachment.MessagingAliasSell |
Attachment.MessagingPhasingVoteCasting |
Attachment.MessagingPollCreation |
Attachment.MessagingPollCreation.PollBuilder |
Attachment.MessagingVoteCasting |
Attachment.MonetarySystemAttachment |
Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyDeletion |
Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance |
Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyMinting |
Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyTransfer |
Attachment.MonetarySystemExchange |
Attachment.MonetarySystemExchangeBuy |
Attachment.MonetarySystemExchangeSell |
Attachment.MonetarySystemPublishExchangeOffer |
Attachment.MonetarySystemReserveClaim |
Attachment.MonetarySystemReserveIncrease |
Attachment.PropertyDeleteAttachment |
Attachment.SetPhasingOnly |
Attachment.ShufflingAttachment |
Attachment.ShufflingCancellation |
Attachment.ShufflingCreation |
Attachment.ShufflingProcessing |
Attachment.ShufflingRecipients |
Attachment.ShufflingRegistration |
Attachment.ShufflingVerification |
Attachment.TaggedDataAttachment |
Attachment.TaggedDataExtend |
Attachment.TaggedDataUpload |
Attachment.UnencryptedDigitalGoodsDelivery |
BaseTargetTest |
BasicDb |
BasicDb.DbProperties |
BeforeShutdown |
BlacklistAPIProxyPeer |
BlacklistAPIProxyPeerCall |
BlacklistPeer |
BlacklistPeerCall |
Block |
Blockchain |
BlockchainProcessor |
BlockchainProcessor.BlockNotAcceptedException |
BlockchainProcessor.BlockOutOfOrderException |
BlockchainProcessor.Event |
BlockchainProcessor.TransactionNotAcceptedException |
BlockResponse |
BootstrapAPIProxy |
BootstrapAPIProxyCall |
BriefLogFormatter |
A Java logging formatter that writes more compact output than the default
BroadcastTransaction |
The purpose of broadcast transaction is to support client side signing of transactions.
BroadcastTransactionCall |
BuyAlias |
BuyAliasCall |
CalculateFullHash |
CalculateFullHashCall |
CancelAskOrder |
CancelAskOrderCall |
CancelBidOrder |
CancelBidOrderCall |
CanDeleteCurrency |
CanDeleteCurrencyCall |
CastVote |
CastVoteCall |
ClearUnconfirmedTransactions |
ClearUnconfirmedTransactionsCall |
CommandLineMode |
CompactDatabase |
Compact and reorganize the NRS database.
CompareTraceFiles |
ConnectionPool |
Constants |
ConstantsExporter |
Convert |
CopyTranslationProperty |
CountingInputReader |
CountingInputReader extends Reader to count the number of characters read
CountingInputStream |
CountingOutputStream |
CountingOutputWriter |
CountingOutputWriter extends Writer to count the number of characters written
CreatePoll |
CreatePollCall |
CreateTransactionCallBuilder<T extends APICall.Builder> |
Crypto |
Currency |
Currency.Event |
CurrencyBuy |
Buy currency for NXT
CurrencyBuyCall |
CurrencyBuyOffer |
CurrencyExchangeOffer |
CurrencyExchangeOffer.AvailableOffers |
CurrencyFounder |
Each CurrencyFounder instance represents a single founder contribution for a non issued currency
Once the currency is issued all founder contributions are removed
In case the currency is not issued because of insufficient funding, all funds are returned to the founders
CurrencyMint |
Manages currency proof of work minting
CurrencyMint |
Generate new currency units
CurrencyMint.Event |
CurrencyMint.Mint |
CurrencyMintCall |
CurrencyMinting |
CurrencyReserveClaim |
Claim currency units and receive back NXT invested into this currency before it became active
CurrencyReserveClaimCall |
CurrencyReserveIncrease |
Increase the value of currency units by paying NXT
CurrencyReserveIncreaseCall |
CurrencySell |
Sell currency for NXT
CurrencySellCall |
CurrencySellOffer |
CurrencyTransfer |
CurrencyTransfer.Event |
CurrencyType |
Define and validate currency capabilities
CustomAPISetup |
Db |
DbClause |
DbClause.BooleanClause |
DbClause.ByteClause |
DbClause.FixedClause |
DbClause.IntClause |
DbClause.LikeClause |
DbClause.LongClause |
DbClause.NotNullClause |
DbClause.NullClause |
DbClause.Op |
DbClause.StringClause |
DbIterator<T> |
DbIterator.ResultSetReader<T> |
DbKey |
DbKey.Factory<T> |
DbKey.LinkKey |
DbKey.LinkKeyFactory<T> |
DbKey.LongKey |
DbKey.LongKeyFactory<T> |
DbKey.StringKey |
DbKey.StringKeyFactory<T> |
DbShellServlet |
DbUtils |
DbVersion |
DebugTrace |
DecodeFileToken |
DecodeFileTokenCall |
DecodeHallmark |
DecodeHallmarkCall |
DecodeQRCode |
The DecodeQRCode API converts a base64-encoded image of a
2-D QR (Quick Response) code to a UTF-8 string, using the ZXing library.
DecodeQRCodeCall |
DecodeToken |
DecodeTokenCall |
DecryptFrom |
DecryptFromCall |
DefaultDirProvider |
DeleteAccountProperty |
DeleteAccountPropertyCall |
DeleteAlias |
DeleteAliasCall |
DeleteAssetProperty |
DeleteAssetPropertyCall |
DeleteAssetShares |
DeleteAssetSharesCall |
DeleteCurrency |
DeleteCurrencyCall |
DeleteScheduledTransaction |
DeleteScheduledTransactionCall |
Demo |
DerivedDbTable |
DesktopMode |
DesktopSystemTray |
DetectMimeType |
DetectMimeTypeCall |
DGSDelisting |
DgsDelistingCall |
DGSDelivery |
DgsDeliveryCall |
DGSFeedback |
DgsFeedbackCall |
DGSListing |
DgsListingCall |
DGSPriceChange |
DgsPriceChangeCall |
DGSPurchase |
DgsPurchaseCall |
DGSQuantityChange |
DgsQuantityChangeCall |
DGSRefund |
DgsRefundCall |
DigitalGoodsStore |
DigitalGoodsStore.Event |
DigitalGoodsStore.Goods |
DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase |
DigitalGoodsStore.Tag |
DirProvider |
DividendPayment |
DividendPaymentCall |
DownloadPrunableMessage |
DownloadPrunableMessageCall |
DownloadTaggedData |
DownloadTaggedDataCall |
DownloadTimer |
DumpPeers |
DumpPeersCall |
EncodeQRCode |
The EncodeQRCode API converts a UTF-8 string to a base64-encoded
jpeg image of a 2-D QR (Quick Response) code, using the ZXing library.
EncodeQRCodeCall |
EncryptedData |
EncryptTo |
EncryptToCall |
EntityDbTable<T> |
EventRegister |
The EventRegister API will create an event listener and register
one or more server events.
EventRegisterCall |
EventWait |
The EventWait API will wait for one of the server events
registered by EventRegister.
EventWaitCall |
Exchange |
Exchange.Event |
ExchangeRequest |
ExtendTaggedData |
ExtendTaggedDataCall |
Fee |
Fee.ConstantFee |
Fee.SizeBasedFee |
Filter<T> |
FilteredConnection |
Wrapper for a SQL Connection
The wrapper forwards all methods to the wrapped connection.
FilteredFactory |
Create Statement and PrepareStatement for use with FilteredConnection
FilteredPreparedStatement |
Wrapper for a SQL PreparedStatement
The wrapper forwards all methods to the wrapped prepared statement
FilteredStatement |
Wrapper for a SQL Statement
The wrapper forwards all methods to the wrapped statement
FilteringIterator<T> |
ForgingEncryptedConfig |
FullHashToId |
FullHashToIdCall |
FullReset |
FullResetCall |
FullTextTrigger |
FullTextTrigger provides Lucene search support.
FundingMonitor |
Monitor account balances based on account properties
FundingMonitor.MonitoredAccount |
Monitored account
FundingMonitorsEncryptedConfig |
GenerateFileToken |
GenerateFileTokenCall |
GeneratePublicKey |
GenerateToken |
GenerateTokenCall |
Generator |
Generator.ActiveGenerator |
Active generator
Generator.Event |
Genesis |
GetAccount |
GetAccountAssetCount |
GetAccountAssetCountCall |
GetAccountAssets |
GetAccountAssetsCall |
GetAccountBlockCount |
GetAccountBlockCountCall |
GetAccountBlockIds |
GetAccountBlockIdsCall |
GetAccountBlocks |
GetAccountBlocksCall |
GetAccountCall |
GetAccountCurrencies |
GetAccountCurrenciesCall |
GetAccountCurrencyCount |
GetAccountCurrencyCountCall |
GetAccountCurrentAskOrderIds |
GetAccountCurrentAskOrderIdsCall |
GetAccountCurrentAskOrders |
GetAccountCurrentAskOrdersCall |
GetAccountCurrentBidOrderIds |
GetAccountCurrentBidOrderIdsCall |
GetAccountCurrentBidOrders |
GetAccountCurrentBidOrdersCall |
GetAccountExchangeRequests |
GetAccountExchangeRequestsCall |
GetAccountId |
GetAccountIdCall |
GetAccountLedger |
The GetAccountLedger API will return entries from the account ledger.
GetAccountLedgerCall |
GetAccountLedgerEntry |
The GetAccountLedgerEntry API will return an entry from the account ledger.
GetAccountLedgerEntryCall |
GetAccountLessors |
GetAccountLessorsCall |
GetAccountPhasedTransactionCount |
GetAccountPhasedTransactionCountCall |
GetAccountPhasedTransactions |
GetAccountPhasedTransactionsCall |
GetAccountProperties |
GetAccountPropertiesCall |
GetAccountPublicKey |
GetAccountPublicKeyCall |
GetAccountShufflings |
GetAccountShufflingsCall |
GetAccountTaggedData |
GetAccountTaggedDataCall |
GetAlias |
GetAliasCall |
GetAliasCount |
GetAliasCountCall |
GetAliases |
GetAliasesCall |
GetAliasesLike |
GetAliasesLikeCall |
GetAllAssets |
GetAllAssetsCall |
GetAllBroadcastedTransactions |
GetAllBroadcastedTransactionsCall |
GetAllCurrencies |
GetAllCurrenciesCall |
GetAllExchanges |
GetAllExchangesCall |
GetAllOpenAskOrders |
GetAllOpenAskOrdersCall |
GetAllOpenBidOrders |
GetAllOpenBidOrdersCall |
GetAllPhasingOnlyControls |
GetAllPhasingOnlyControlsCall |
GetAllPrunableMessages |
GetAllPrunableMessagesCall |
GetAllShufflings |
GetAllShufflingsCall |
GetAllTaggedData |
GetAllTaggedDataCall |
GetAllTrades |
GetAllTradesCall |
GetAllWaitingTransactions |
GetAllWaitingTransactionsCall |
GetAskOrder |
GetAskOrderCall |
GetAskOrderIds |
GetAskOrderIdsCall |
GetAskOrders |
GetAskOrdersCall |
GetAsset |
GetAssetAccountCount |
GetAssetAccountCountCall |
GetAssetAccounts |
GetAssetAccountsCall |
GetAssetCall |
GetAssetDeletes |
Deprecated. |
GetAssetDeletesCall |
GetAssetDividends |
GetAssetDividendsCall |
GetAssetHistory |
GetAssetHistoryCall |
GetAssetIds |
GetAssetIdsCall |
GetAssetPhasedTransactions |
GetAssetPhasedTransactionsCall |
GetAssetProperties |
GetAssetPropertiesCall |
GetAssets |
GetAssetsByIssuer |
GetAssetsByIssuerCall |
GetAssetsCall |
GetAssetTransfers |
GetAssetTransfersCall |
GetAssignedShufflings |
GetAssignedShufflingsCall |
GetAvailableToBuy |
GetAvailableToBuyCall |
GetAvailableToSell |
GetAvailableToSellCall |
GetBalance |
GetBalanceCall |
GetBidOrder |
GetBidOrderCall |
GetBidOrderIds |
GetBidOrderIdsCall |
GetBidOrders |
GetBidOrdersCall |
GetBlock |
GetBlockCall |
GetBlockchainStatus |
GetBlockchainStatusCall |
GetBlockchainTransactions |
GetBlockchainTransactionsCall |
GetBlockId |
GetBlockIdCall |
GetBlocks |
GetBlocksCall |
GetBuyOffers |
GetBuyOffersCall |
GetChannelTaggedData |
GetChannelTaggedDataCall |
GetConstants |
GetConstantsCall |
GetCurrencies |
GetCurrenciesByIssuer |
GetCurrenciesByIssuerCall |
GetCurrenciesCall |
GetCurrency |
GetCurrencyAccountCount |
GetCurrencyAccountCountCall |
GetCurrencyAccounts |
GetCurrencyAccountsCall |
GetCurrencyCall |
GetCurrencyFounders |
GetCurrencyFoundersCall |
GetCurrencyIds |
GetCurrencyIdsCall |
GetCurrencyPhasedTransactions |
GetCurrencyPhasedTransactionsCall |
GetCurrencyTransfers |
GetCurrencyTransfersCall |
GetDataTagCount |
GetDataTagCountCall |
GetDataTags |
GetDataTagsCall |
GetDataTagsLike |
GetDataTagsLikeCall |
GetDGSExpiredPurchases |
GetDGSExpiredPurchasesCall |
GetDGSGood |
GetDGSGoodCall |
GetDGSGoods |
GetDGSGoodsCall |
GetDGSGoodsCount |
GetDGSGoodsCountCall |
GetDGSGoodsPurchaseCount |
GetDGSGoodsPurchaseCountCall |
GetDGSGoodsPurchases |
GetDGSGoodsPurchasesCall |
GetDGSPendingPurchases |
GetDGSPendingPurchasesCall |
GetDGSPurchase |
GetDGSPurchaseCall |
GetDGSPurchaseCount |
GetDGSPurchaseCountCall |
GetDGSPurchases |
GetDGSPurchasesCall |
GetDGSTagCount |
GetDGSTagCountCall |
GetDGSTags |
GetDGSTagsCall |
GetDGSTagsLike |
GetDGSTagsLikeCall |
GetECBlock |
GetECBlockCall |
GetEpochTime |
GetEpochTimeCall |
GetExchanges |
GetExchangesByExchangeRequest |
GetExchangesByExchangeRequestCall |
GetExchangesByOffer |
GetExchangesByOfferCall |
GetExchangesCall |
GetExpectedAskOrders |
GetExpectedAskOrdersCall |
GetExpectedAssetDeletes |
GetExpectedAssetDeletesCall |
GetExpectedAssetTransfers |
GetExpectedAssetTransfersCall |
GetExpectedBidOrders |
GetExpectedBidOrdersCall |
GetExpectedBuyOffers |
GetExpectedBuyOffersCall |
GetExpectedCurrencyTransfers |
GetExpectedCurrencyTransfersCall |
GetExpectedExchangeRequests |
GetExpectedExchangeRequestsCall |
GetExpectedOrderCancellations |
GetExpectedOrderCancellationsCall |
GetExpectedSellOffers |
GetExpectedSellOffersCall |
GetExpectedTransactions |
GetExpectedTransactionsCall |
GetForging |
GetForgingCall |
GetFundingMonitor |
Get a funding monitor
GetFundingMonitorCall |
GetGuaranteedBalance |
GetGuaranteedBalanceCall |
GetHoldingShufflings |
GetHoldingShufflingsCall |
GetInboundPeers |
The GetInboundPeers API will return a list of inbound peers.
GetInboundPeersCall |
GetLastExchanges |
GetLastExchangesCall |
GetLastTrades |
GetLastTradesCall |
GetLinkedPhasedTransactions |
GetLinkedPhasedTransactionsCall |
GetLog |
The GetLog API will return log messages from the ring buffer
maintained by the MemoryHandler log handler.
GetLogCall |
GetMintingTarget |
Currency miners can use this API to obtain their target hash value for minting currency units
GetMintingTargetCall |
GetMyInfo |
GetMyInfoCall |
GetNextBlockGeneratorsCall |
GetNextBlockGeneratorsTemp |
The GetNextBlockGenerators API will return the next block generators ordered by the
hit time.
GetOffer |
GetOfferCall |
GetOrderTrades |
GetOrderTradesCall |
GetPeer |
GetPeerCall |
GetPeers |
GetPeersCall |
GetPhasingOnlyControl |
Returns the phasing control certain account.
GetPhasingOnlyControlCall |
GetPhasingPoll |
GetPhasingPollCall |
GetPhasingPolls |
GetPhasingPollsCall |
GetPhasingPollVote |
GetPhasingPollVoteCall |
GetPhasingPollVotes |
GetPhasingPollVotesCall |
GetPlugins |
GetPluginsCall |
GetPoll |
GetPollCall |
GetPollResult |
GetPollResultCall |
GetPolls |
GetPollsCall |
GetPollVote |
GetPollVoteCall |
GetPollVotes |
GetPollVotesCall |
GetPrunableMessage |
GetPrunableMessageCall |
GetPrunableMessages |
GetPrunableMessagesCall |
GetReferencingTransactions |
GetReferencingTransactionsCall |
GetScheduledTransactions |
GetScheduledTransactionsCall |
GetSellOffers |
GetSellOffersCall |
GetSharedKey |
GetSharedKeyCall |
GetShufflers |
GetShufflersCall |
GetShuffling |
GetShufflingCall |
GetShufflingParticipants |
GetShufflingParticipantsCall |
GetStackTraces |
The GetStackTraces API will return the current stack trace for
each Nxt thread.
GetStackTracesCall |
GetState |
GetStateCall |
GetTaggedData |
GetTaggedDataCall |
GetTaggedDataExtendTransactions |
GetTaggedDataExtendTransactionsCall |
GetTime |
GetTimeCall |
GetTrades |
GetTradesCall |
GetTransaction |
GetTransactionBytes |
GetTransactionBytesCall |
GetTransactionCall |
GetUnconfirmedTransactionIds |
GetUnconfirmedTransactionIdsCall |
GetUnconfirmedTransactions |
GetUnconfirmedTransactionsCall |
GetVoterPhasedTransactions |
GetVoterPhasedTransactionsCall |
H2ConnectionPool |
Hallmark |
Hash |
HashCall |
HashFunction |
HexConvert |
HexConvertCall |
HoldingType |
IncreaseAssetShares |
IncreaseAssetSharesCall |
IntConsumer<T> |
IssueAsset |
IssueAssetCall |
IssueCurrency |
Issue a currency on the NXT blockchain
IssueCurrencyCall |
JA |
Delegate json array operations to json simple and wrap it with convenience methods
This class does not really keep a list, but it implements a list in order to delegate iteration to the underlying JSONArray
in order to support streaming into String.
JO |
Delegate json object operations to json simple and wrap it with convenience methods
This class does not really keep a map, but it implements a map in order to delegate entrySet to the underlying JSONArray
in order to support streaming into String.
JSONData |
JSONResponses |
KNV25 |
LeaseBalance |
LeaseBalanceCall |
LengthRw |
LengthRwPrimitiveType |
Listener<T> |
Listeners<T,E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> |
Logger |
Handle logging for the Nxt node server
Logger.Event |
Log event types
Logger.Level |
Log levels
LongConvert |
LongConvertCall |
LookAndFeel |
LuceneReindex |
LuceneReindexCall |
MacUserDirProvider |
ManagePeersNetworking |
ManagePeersNetworkingCall |
ManifestGenerator |
MarkHost |
MarkHostCall |
MemoryHandler |
MemoryHandler maintains a ring buffer of log messages.
MintWorker |
MockedRequest |
MonetarySystem |
MultipartUtility |
Nxt |
NxtException |
NxtException.AccountControlException |
NxtException.ExistingTransactionException |
NxtException.InsufficientBalanceException |
NxtException.NotCurrentlyValidException |
NxtException.NotValidException |
NxtException.NotYetEnabledException |
NxtException.NotYetEncryptedException |
NxtException.NxtIOException |
NxtException.StopException |
NxtException.ValidationException |
NxtLogManager |
Java LogManager extension for use with Nxt
NxtService |
NxtService_ServiceManagement |
ObjectRw<T> |
Observable<T,E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> |
Order |
Order.Ask |
Order.Bid |
ParameterException |
ParameterParser |
ParameterParser.FileData |
ParseTransaction |
ParseTransactionCall |
PassphraseRecovery |
Peer |
Peer.BlockchainState |
Peer.Service |
Peer.State |
Peers |
Peers.Event |
PeerServlet |
PeerWebSocket |
PeerWebSocket represents an HTTP/HTTPS upgraded connection
PersistentDbTable<T> |
PhasingParams |
PhasingPoll |
PhasingPoll.PhasingPollResult |
PhasingVote |
PlaceAskOrder |
PlaceAskOrderCall |
PlaceBidOrder |
PlaceBidOrderCall |
Poll |
Poll.OptionResult |
PopOff |
PopOffCall |
PopOffCounter |
PrunableDbTable<T> |
PrunableMessage |
PublishExchangeOffer |
PublishExchangeOfferCall |
QueuedThreadPool |
QueuedThreadPool creates threads to process requests until the maximum pool
size is reached.
ReadMessage |
ReadMessageCall |
ReadWriteUpdateLock |
A read or update lock allows shared access while a write lock enforces exclusive access.
ReadWriteUpdateLock.Lock |
Lock interface
RebroadcastUnconfirmedTransactions |
RebroadcastUnconfirmedTransactionsCall |
RequeueUnconfirmedTransactions |
RequeueUnconfirmedTransactionsCall |
ResourceLookup |
RetrievePrunedData |
RetrievePrunedData will schedule a background task to retrieve data which
has been pruned.
RetrievePrunedDataCall |
RetrievePrunedTransaction |
RetrievePrunedTransactionCall |
RSConvert |
RsConvertCall |
RuntimeEnvironment |
RuntimeMode |
Scan |
ScanCall |
ScheduleCurrencyBuy |
ScheduleCurrencyBuyCall |
Scrypt |
Search |
SearchAccounts |
SearchAccountsCall |
SearchAssets |
SearchAssetsCall |
SearchCurrencies |
SearchCurrenciesCall |
SearchDGSGoods |
SearchDGSGoodsCall |
SearchPolls |
SearchPollsCall |
SearchTaggedData |
SearchTaggedDataCall |
SellAlias |
SellAliasCall |
SendMessage |
SendMessageCall |
SendMoney |
SendMoneyCall |
SendTransaction |
Sends a transaction to some peers.
SendTransactionCall |
ServerStatus |
SetAccountInfo |
SetAccountInfoCall |
SetAccountProperty |
SetAccountPropertyCall |
SetAlias |
SetAliasCall |
SetAPIProxyPeer |
SetAPIProxyPeerCall |
SetAssetProperty |
SetAssetPropertyCall |
SetLogging |
The SetLogging API will set the NRS log level for all log messages.
SetLoggingCall |
SetPhasingOnlyControl |
Sets an account control that blocks transactions unless they are phased with certain parameters
SetPhasingOnlyControlCall |
Shuffler |
Shuffler.ControlledAccountException |
Shuffler.DuplicateShufflerException |
Shuffler.InvalidRecipientException |
Shuffler.InvalidStageException |
Shuffler.ShufflerException |
Shuffler.ShufflerLimitException |
Shuffling |
Shuffling.Event |
Shuffling.Stage |
ShufflingCancel |
ShufflingCancelCall |
ShufflingCreate |
ShufflingCreateCall |
ShufflingParticipant |
ShufflingParticipant.Event |
ShufflingParticipant.State |
ShufflingProcess |
ShufflingProcessCall |
ShufflingRegister |
ShufflingRegisterCall |
ShufflingTransaction |
ShufflingVerify |
ShufflingVerifyCall |
Shutdown |
ShutdownCall |
SignTransaction |
SignTransactionCall |
SignTransactionJSON |
SignTransactions |
StartAuto |
StartForging |
StartForging |
StartForgingCall |
StartFundingMonitor |
Start a funding monitor
StartFundingMonitorCall |
StartFundingMonitors |
StartShuffler |
StartShufflerCall |
StopForging |
StopForgingCall |
StopFundingMonitor |
Stop a funding monitor
StopFundingMonitorCall |
StopShuffler |
StopShufflerCall |
StringRw |
SystemTrayDataProvider |
TaggedData |
TaggedData.Tag |
ThreadPool |
Time |
Time.ConstantTime |
Time.CounterTime |
Time.EpochTime |
Time.FasterTime |
Token |
Trade |
Trade.Event |
Transaction |
Transaction.Builder |
TransactionalDb |
TransactionalDb.TransactionCallback |
Transaction callback interface
TransactionProcessor |
TransactionProcessor.Event |
TransactionResponse |
TransactionScheduler |
TransactionType |
TransactionType.AccountControl |
TransactionType.ColoredCoins |
TransactionType.Data |
TransactionType.DigitalGoods |
TransactionType.Messaging |
TransactionType.Payment |
TransferAsset |
TransferAssetCall |
TransferCurrency |
TransferCurrencyCall |
TrimDerivedTables |
TrimDerivedTablesCall |
TrimmableDbTable<T> |
TrustAllSSLProvider |
UnixUserDirProvider |
UploadTaggedData |
UploadTaggedDataCall |
UPnP |
Forward ports using the UPnP protocol.
ValuesDbTable<T,V> |
VerifyPrunableMessage |
VerifyPrunableMessageCall |
VerifyTaggedData |
VerifyTaggedDataCall |
VerifyTraceFile |
VersionedEntityDbTable<T> |
VersionedPersistentDbTable<T> |
VersionedPrunableDbTable<T> |
VersionedValuesDbTable<T,V> |
Vote |
VoteWeighting |
VoteWeighting.MinBalanceModel |
VoteWeighting.VotingModel |
WindowsServiceMode |
WindowsUserDirProvider |