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BALANCE - nxt.Account.Event
BASE_TARGET_GAMMA - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
base64StringToEnumSet(String) - Static method in enum nxt.http.APIEnum
BaseTargetTest - Class in nxt.tools
BaseTargetTest() - Constructor for class nxt.tools.BaseTargetTest
BasicDb - Class in nxt.db
BasicDb(BasicDb.DbProperties) - Constructor for class nxt.db.BasicDb
BasicDb.DbProperties - Class in nxt.db
BATCH_COMMIT_SIZE - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
BEFORE_BLOCK_ACCEPT - nxt.BlockchainProcessor.Event
BEFORE_BLOCK_APPLY - nxt.BlockchainProcessor.Event
BEFORE_DATABASE - nxt.env.ServerStatus
BEFORE_DELETE - nxt.Currency.Event
BeforeShutdown - Class in nxt.addons
BeforeShutdown() - Constructor for class nxt.addons.BeforeShutdown
beginTransaction() - Method in class nxt.db.TransactionalDb
BID_ORDER_CANCELLATION - Static variable in class nxt.TransactionType.ColoredCoins
BID_ORDER_PLACEMENT - Static variable in class nxt.TransactionType.ColoredCoins
bidOrder(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetOrderTradesCall
blacklist(Exception) - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
blacklist(String) - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
BLACKLIST - nxt.peer.Peers.Event
blacklistAPIProxyPeer - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
BlacklistAPIProxyPeer - Class in nxt.http
BlacklistAPIProxyPeerCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
blacklistPeer - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
BlacklistPeer - Class in nxt.http
BlacklistPeerCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
BLAME - nxt.Shuffling.Stage
block(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBlockCall
block(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBlockCall
Block - Interface in nxt
BLOCK_GENERATED - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
BLOCK_GENERATED - nxt.BlockchainProcessor.Event
BLOCK_POPPED - nxt.BlockchainProcessor.Event
BLOCK_PUSHED - nxt.BlockchainProcessor.Event
BLOCK_SCANNED - nxt.BlockchainProcessor.Event
BLOCK_TIME - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
Blockchain - Interface in nxt
BlockchainProcessor - Interface in nxt
BlockchainProcessor.BlockNotAcceptedException - Exception in nxt
BlockchainProcessor.BlockOutOfOrderException - Exception in nxt
BlockchainProcessor.Event - Enum in nxt
BlockchainProcessor.TransactionNotAcceptedException - Exception in nxt
BlockResponse - Interface in nxt.http.responses
BLOCKS - nxt.http.APITag
BooleanClause(String, boolean) - Constructor for class nxt.db.DbClause.BooleanClause
bootstrap(StringBuilder) - Method in class nxt.http.APIProxy
bootstrapAPIProxy - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
BootstrapAPIProxy - Class in nxt.http
BootstrapAPIProxyCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
BriefLogFormatter - Class in nxt.util
A Java logging formatter that writes more compact output than the default
broadcast(boolean) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CreateTransactionCallBuilder
broadcast(Transaction) - Method in interface nxt.TransactionProcessor
broadcastTransaction - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
BroadcastTransaction - Class in nxt.http
The purpose of broadcast transaction is to support client side signing of transactions.
BroadcastTransactionCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
build() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation.PollBuilder
build() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
build() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction.Builder
build(String) - Method in interface nxt.Transaction.Builder
Builder(String) - Constructor for class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
Builder(ApiSpec) - Constructor for class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
BUY_ALIAS - nxt.http.APIEnum
buyAlias - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
BuyAlias - Class in nxt.http
BuyAliasCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
buyer(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsPurchasesCall
buyer(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSPurchaseCountCall
buyer(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSPurchasesCall
buyer(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsPurchasesCall
buyer(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSPurchaseCountCall
buyer(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSPurchasesCall
buyRateNQT(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.PublishExchangeOfferCall
BYTE - nxt.util.bbh.LengthRwPrimitiveType
byteArrayComparator - Static variable in class nxt.util.Convert
ByteClause(String, byte) - Constructor for class nxt.db.DbClause.ByteClause
ByteClause(String, DbClause.Op, byte) - Constructor for class nxt.db.DbClause.ByteClause
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