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calculateFullHash - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CalculateFullHash - Class in nxt.http
CalculateFullHashCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
calcWeight(VoteWeighting, long, int) - Method in enum nxt.VoteWeighting.VotingModel
call() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
canBecome(Shuffling.Stage) - Method in enum nxt.Shuffling.Stage
canBecome(ShufflingParticipant.State) - Method in enum nxt.ShufflingParticipant.State
canBeDeletedBy(long) - Method in class nxt.Currency
canBeTrimmed(int, boolean, Value...) - Static method in class nxt.db.TrimmableDbTable
cancel() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
cancelAskOrder - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CancelAskOrder - Class in nxt.http
CancelAskOrderCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
cancelBidOrder - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CancelBidOrder - Class in nxt.http
CancelBidOrderCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
CANCELLED - nxt.Shuffling.Stage
CANCELLED - nxt.ShufflingParticipant.State
cancellingAccount(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.ShufflingCancelCall
canDeleteCurrency - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CanDeleteCurrency - Class in nxt.http
CanDeleteCurrencyCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
canHaveRecipient() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingTransaction
canHaveRecipient() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType
canHaveRecipient() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType.Data
canHaveRecipient() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType.Payment
CANNOT_DELETE_CURRENCY - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
CAST_VOTE - nxt.http.APIEnum
castVote - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CastVote - Class in nxt.http
CastVoteCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
chain(int) - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
chain(String) - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
CHANGED_ACTIVE_PEER - nxt.peer.Peers.Event
CHANGED_SERVICES - nxt.peer.Peers.Event
changeSessionId() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
channel(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.ExtendTaggedDataCall
channel(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetChannelTaggedDataCall
channel(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SearchTaggedDataCall
channel(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.UploadTaggedDataCall
channel(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.VerifyTaggedDataCall
checkAvailable(int) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
checkPassword(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.API
CHECKSUM_BLOCK_1 - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
CLAIMABLE - nxt.CurrencyType
Is CurrencyType.RESERVABLE and can be claimed after currency is active
Cannot be CurrencyType.EXCHANGEABLE
clearBatch() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
clearCache() - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
clearCache() - Method in class nxt.db.TransactionalDb
clearCache() - Method in class nxt.db.ValuesDbTable
clearParameters() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredPreparedStatement
clearUnconfirmedTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
clearUnconfirmedTransactions() - Method in interface nxt.TransactionProcessor
ClearUnconfirmedTransactions - Class in nxt.http
ClearUnconfirmedTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
clearWarnings() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
clearWarnings() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
close() - Method in class nxt.db.DbIterator
close() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
close() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
close() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteringIterator
close() - Method in class nxt.db.FullTextTrigger
Close the trigger (Trigger interface)
close() - Method in class nxt.peer.PeerWebSocket
Close the WebSocket
close() - Method in class nxt.util.MemoryHandler
Close the handler
close(AutoCloseable...) - Static method in class nxt.db.DbUtils
closeOnCompletion() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
code(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyCall
code(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.IssueCurrencyCall
CODE_RW - Static variable in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
COIN_SYMBOL - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
ColoredCoinsAskOrderCancellation(long) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAskOrderCancellation
ColoredCoinsAskOrderPlacement(long, long, long) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAskOrderPlacement
ColoredCoinsAssetDelete(long, long) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetDelete
ColoredCoinsAssetIncrease(long, long) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetIncrease
ColoredCoinsAssetIssuance(String, String, long, byte) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetIssuance
ColoredCoinsAssetProperty(long, String, String) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetProperty
ColoredCoinsAssetProperty(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetProperty
ColoredCoinsAssetProperty(JSONObject) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetProperty
ColoredCoinsAssetPropertyDelete(long) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetPropertyDelete
ColoredCoinsAssetQuantity(long, long) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetQuantity
ColoredCoinsAssetTransfer(long, long) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetTransfer
ColoredCoinsBidOrderCancellation(long) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsBidOrderCancellation
ColoredCoinsBidOrderPlacement(long, long, long) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsBidOrderPlacement
ColoredCoinsDividendPayment(long, HoldingType, long, int, long) - Constructor for class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsDividendPayment
CommandLineMode - Class in nxt.env
CommandLineMode() - Constructor for class nxt.env.CommandLineMode
commit() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
commit() - Method in class nxt.db.FullTextTrigger
Commit the table changes for the current transaction (TransactionCallback interface)
commit() - Method in interface nxt.db.TransactionalDb.TransactionCallback
Transaction has been committed
commitTransaction() - Method in class nxt.db.TransactionalDb
communicationEvent(String...) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetLoggingCall
CompactDatabase - Class in nxt.tools
Compact and reorganize the NRS database.
CompactDatabase() - Constructor for class nxt.tools.CompactDatabase
compareTo(Generator) - Method in class nxt.Generator
compareTo(Generator.ActiveGenerator) - Method in class nxt.Generator.ActiveGenerator
CompareTraceFiles - Class in nxt.tools
CompareTraceFiles() - Constructor for class nxt.tools.CompareTraceFiles
completed(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsPurchaseCountCall
completed(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsPurchasesCall
completed(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSPurchaseCountCall
completed(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSPurchasesCall
compress(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.util.Convert
compressMessageToEncrypt(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CreateTransactionCallBuilder
compressMessageToEncrypt(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.EncryptToCall
compressMessageToEncrypt(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.VerifyPrunableMessageCall
compressMessageToEncryptToSelf(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CreateTransactionCallBuilder
CONF - Static variable in class nxt.tools.ManifestGenerator
CONFIG_DIR - Static variable in class nxt.Nxt
CONFIG_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class nxt.addons.ForgingEncryptedConfig
configure(WebSocketServletFactory) - Method in class nxt.peer.PeerServlet
Configure the WebSocket factory
connect(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DumpPeersCall
CONNECTED - nxt.peer.Peer.State
ConnectionPool - Interface in nxt.db.pool
connectPeer(Peer) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
ConstantFee(long) - Constructor for class nxt.Fee.ConstantFee
Constants - Class in nxt
ConstantsExporter - Class in nxt.tools
ConstantsExporter() - Constructor for class nxt.tools.ConstantsExporter
ConstantTime(int) - Constructor for class nxt.util.Time.ConstantTime
consume(T, int) - Method in interface nxt.util.bbh.IntConsumer
controlHolding(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
controlHolding(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
CONTROLLABLE - nxt.CurrencyType
Transfers are only allowed from/to issuer account
Only issuer account can publish exchange offer
controlMaxDuration(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
controlMaxFees(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
controlMinBalance(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
controlMinBalanceModel(byte) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
controlMinDuration(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
controlQuorum(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
controlVotingModel(byte) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
controlWhitelisted(String...) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
Convert - Class in nxt.util
CopyTranslationProperty - Class in nxt.tools
CopyTranslationProperty() - Constructor for class nxt.tools.CopyTranslationProperty
correctInvalidFees - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
CORS - nxt.peer.Peer.Service
count(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetLogCall
counter(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyMintCall
CounterTime(int) - Constructor for class nxt.util.Time.CounterTime
CountingInputReader - Class in nxt.util
CountingInputReader extends Reader to count the number of characters read
CountingInputReader(Reader, long) - Constructor for class nxt.util.CountingInputReader
Create a CountingInputReader for the supplied Reader
CountingInputStream - Class in nxt.util
CountingInputStream(InputStream, long) - Constructor for class nxt.util.CountingInputStream
CountingOutputStream - Class in nxt.util
CountingOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class nxt.util.CountingOutputStream
CountingOutputWriter - Class in nxt.util
CountingOutputWriter extends Writer to count the number of characters written
CountingOutputWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class nxt.util.CountingOutputWriter
Create the CountingOutputWriter for the specified writer
countVotes() - Method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
countVotes(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPhasingPollCall
countVotes(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPhasingPollsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.AddPeerCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ApproveTransactionCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.BlacklistAPIProxyPeerCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.BlacklistPeerCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.BootstrapAPIProxyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.BroadcastTransactionCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.BuyAliasCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CalculateFullHashCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CancelAskOrderCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CancelBidOrderCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CanDeleteCurrencyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CastVoteCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ClearUnconfirmedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CreatePollCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyBuyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyMintCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyReserveClaimCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyReserveIncreaseCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencySellCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DecodeFileTokenCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DecodeHallmarkCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DecodeQRCodeCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DecodeTokenCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DecryptFromCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DeleteAccountPropertyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DeleteAliasCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DeleteAssetPropertyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DeleteAssetSharesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DeleteCurrencyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DeleteScheduledTransactionCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DetectMimeTypeCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsDelistingCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsDeliveryCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsFeedbackCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsListingCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsPriceChangeCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsPurchaseCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsQuantityChangeCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsRefundCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DividendPaymentCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DownloadPrunableMessageCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DownloadTaggedDataCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.DumpPeersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.EncodeQRCodeCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.EncryptToCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.EventRegisterCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.EventWaitCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ExtendTaggedDataCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.FullHashToIdCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.FullResetCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GenerateFileTokenCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GenerateTokenCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountAssetCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountAssetsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountBlockCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountBlockIdsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountBlocksCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountCurrenciesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountCurrencyCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountCurrentAskOrderIdsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountCurrentAskOrdersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountCurrentBidOrderIdsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountCurrentBidOrdersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountExchangeRequestsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountIdCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountLedgerCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountLedgerEntryCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountLessorsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountPhasedTransactionCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountPhasedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountPropertiesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountPublicKeyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountShufflingsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountTaggedDataCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAliasCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAliasCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAliasesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAliasesLikeCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllAssetsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllBroadcastedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllCurrenciesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllExchangesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllOpenAskOrdersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllOpenBidOrdersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllPhasingOnlyControlsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllPrunableMessagesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllShufflingsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllTaggedDataCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllTradesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAllWaitingTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAskOrderCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAskOrderIdsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAskOrdersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetAccountCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetAccountsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetDeletesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetDividendsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetHistoryCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetIdsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetPhasedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetPropertiesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetsByIssuerCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssetTransfersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAssignedShufflingsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAvailableToBuyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAvailableToSellCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBalanceCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBidOrderCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBidOrderIdsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBidOrdersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBlockCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBlockchainStatusCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBlockchainTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBlockIdCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBlocksCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBuyOffersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetChannelTaggedDataCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetConstantsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrenciesByIssuerCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrenciesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyAccountCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyAccountsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyFoundersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyIdsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyPhasedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyTransfersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDataTagCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDataTagsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDataTagsLikeCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSExpiredPurchasesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsPurchaseCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsPurchasesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSPendingPurchasesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSPurchaseCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSPurchaseCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSPurchasesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSTagCountCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSTagsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSTagsLikeCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetECBlockCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetEpochTimeCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExchangesByExchangeRequestCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExchangesByOfferCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExchangesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedAskOrdersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedAssetDeletesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedAssetTransfersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedBidOrdersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedBuyOffersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedCurrencyTransfersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedExchangeRequestsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedOrderCancellationsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedSellOffersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetForgingCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetFundingMonitorCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetGuaranteedBalanceCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetHoldingShufflingsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetInboundPeersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetLastExchangesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetLastTradesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetLinkedPhasedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetLogCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetMintingTargetCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetMyInfoCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetNextBlockGeneratorsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetOfferCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetOrderTradesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPeerCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPeersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPhasingOnlyControlCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPhasingPollCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPhasingPollsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPhasingPollVoteCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPhasingPollVotesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPluginsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPollCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPollResultCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPollsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPollVoteCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPollVotesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPrunableMessageCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetPrunableMessagesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetReferencingTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetScheduledTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetSellOffersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetSharedKeyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetShufflersCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetShufflingCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetShufflingParticipantsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetStackTracesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetStateCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetTaggedDataCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetTaggedDataExtendTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetTimeCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetTradesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetTransactionBytesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetTransactionCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetUnconfirmedTransactionIdsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetUnconfirmedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.GetVoterPhasedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.HashCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.HexConvertCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.IncreaseAssetSharesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.IssueAssetCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.IssueCurrencyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.LeaseBalanceCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.LongConvertCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.LuceneReindexCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ManagePeersNetworkingCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.MarkHostCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ParseTransactionCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.PlaceAskOrderCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.PlaceBidOrderCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.PopOffCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.PublishExchangeOfferCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ReadMessageCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.RebroadcastUnconfirmedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.RequeueUnconfirmedTransactionsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.RetrievePrunedDataCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.RetrievePrunedTransactionCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.RsConvertCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ScanCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ScheduleCurrencyBuyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SearchAccountsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SearchAssetsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SearchCurrenciesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SearchDGSGoodsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SearchPollsCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SearchTaggedDataCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SellAliasCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SendMessageCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SendMoneyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SendTransactionCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SetAccountInfoCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SetAccountPropertyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SetAliasCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SetAPIProxyPeerCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SetAssetPropertyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SetLoggingCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SetPhasingOnlyControlCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ShufflingCancelCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ShufflingCreateCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ShufflingProcessCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ShufflingRegisterCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ShufflingVerifyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.ShutdownCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.SignTransactionCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.StartForgingCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.StartFundingMonitorCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.StartShufflerCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.StopForgingCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.StopFundingMonitorCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.StopShufflerCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.TransferAssetCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.TransferCurrencyCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.TrimDerivedTablesCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.UploadTaggedDataCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.VerifyPrunableMessageCall
create() - Static method in class nxt.http.callers.VerifyTaggedDataCall
create(JO) - Static method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
create(JO) - Static method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
create(JSONObject) - Static method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
create(JSONObject) - Static method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
CREATE_POLL - nxt.http.APIEnum
createArrayOf(String, Object[]) - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
createBlob() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
createClob() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
createIndex(Connection, String, String, String) - Static method in class nxt.db.FullTextTrigger
Create the fulltext index for a table
createNClob() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
createPoll - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CreatePoll - Class in nxt.http
CreatePollCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
createPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement, String) - Method in interface nxt.db.FilteredFactory
Create a FilteredPreparedStatement for the supplied PreparedStatement
createSearchIndex(Connection) - Method in class nxt.db.DerivedDbTable
createSearchIndex(Connection) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
createSQLXML() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
createStatement() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
createStatement(Statement) - Method in interface nxt.db.FilteredFactory
Create a FilteredStatement for the supplied Statement
createStruct(String, Object[]) - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
CreateTransactionCallBuilder<T extends APICall.Builder> - Class in nxt.http.callers
CreateTransactionCallBuilder(ApiSpec) - Constructor for class nxt.http.callers.CreateTransactionCallBuilder
CREATOR_ID - Static variable in class nxt.Genesis
Crypto - Class in nxt.crypto
currencies(String...) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrenciesCall
currencies(String...) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetLastExchangesCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CanDeleteCurrencyCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyBuyCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyMintCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyReserveClaimCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyReserveIncreaseCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencySellCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DeleteCurrencyCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountCurrenciesCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountExchangeRequestsCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAvailableToBuyCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAvailableToSellCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBuyOffersCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyAccountCountCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyAccountsCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyFoundersCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyPhasedTransactionsCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyTransfersCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExchangesCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedBuyOffersCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedCurrencyTransfersCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedExchangeRequestsCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedSellOffersCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetMintingTargetCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetSellOffersCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.PublishExchangeOfferCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.ScheduleCurrencyBuyCall
currency(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.TransferCurrencyCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CanDeleteCurrencyCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyBuyCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyMintCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyReserveClaimCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyReserveIncreaseCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencySellCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DeleteCurrencyCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountCurrenciesCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAccountExchangeRequestsCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAvailableToBuyCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetAvailableToSellCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBuyOffersCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyAccountCountCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyAccountsCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyFoundersCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyPhasedTransactionsCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetCurrencyTransfersCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExchangesCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedBuyOffersCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedCurrencyTransfersCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedExchangeRequestsCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExpectedSellOffersCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetMintingTargetCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetSellOffersCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.PublishExchangeOfferCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.ScheduleCurrencyBuyCall
currency(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.TransferCurrencyCall
Currency - Class in nxt
CURRENCY - nxt.HoldingType
CURRENCY - nxt.VoteWeighting.MinBalanceModel
CURRENCY - nxt.VoteWeighting.VotingModel
CURRENCY_BALANCE - nxt.Account.Event
CURRENCY_BALANCE - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerHolding
CURRENCY_BUY - nxt.http.APIEnum
CURRENCY_DELETION - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_DELETION - Static variable in class nxt.MonetarySystem
CURRENCY_DISTRIBUTION - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_EXCHANGE - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_BUY - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_SELL - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_ISSUANCE - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_ISSUANCE - Static variable in class nxt.MonetarySystem
CURRENCY_MINT - nxt.CurrencyMint.Event
CURRENCY_MINT - nxt.http.APIEnum
CURRENCY_MINTING - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_MINTING - Static variable in class nxt.MonetarySystem
CURRENCY_OFFER_EXPIRED - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_OFFER_REPLACED - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_RESERVE_CLAIM - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_RESERVE_INCREASE - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_SELL - nxt.http.APIEnum
CURRENCY_TRANSFER - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
CURRENCY_TRANSFER - Static variable in class nxt.MonetarySystem
CURRENCY_UNDO_CROWDFUNDING - nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
Currency.Event - Enum in nxt
currencyBuy - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CurrencyBuy - Class in nxt.http
Buy currency for NXT
CurrencyBuyCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
CurrencyBuyOffer - Class in nxt
CurrencyExchangeOffer - Class in nxt
CurrencyExchangeOffer.AvailableOffers - Class in nxt
CurrencyFounder - Class in nxt
Each CurrencyFounder instance represents a single founder contribution for a non issued currency Once the currency is issued all founder contributions are removed In case the currency is not issued because of insufficient funding, all funds are returned to the founders
currencyId - Variable in class nxt.CurrencyMint.Mint
currencyMint - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CurrencyMint - Class in nxt
Manages currency proof of work minting
CurrencyMint - Class in nxt.http
Generate new currency units
CurrencyMint.Event - Enum in nxt
CurrencyMint.Mint - Class in nxt
CurrencyMintCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
CurrencyMinting - Class in nxt
currencyReserveClaim - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CurrencyReserveClaim - Class in nxt.http
Claim currency units and receive back NXT invested into this currency before it became active
CurrencyReserveClaimCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
currencyReserveIncrease - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CurrencyReserveIncrease - Class in nxt.http
Increase the value of currency units by paying NXT
CurrencyReserveIncreaseCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
currencySell - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
CurrencySell - Class in nxt.http
Sell currency for NXT
CurrencySellCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
CurrencySellOffer - Class in nxt
CurrencyTransfer - Class in nxt
CurrencyTransfer.Event - Enum in nxt
CurrencyType - Enum in nxt
Define and validate currency capabilities
curve(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.Crypto
CustomAPISetup - Interface in nxt.http
customLoginWarning - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
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