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generateFileToken - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GenerateFileToken - Class in nxt.http
GenerateFileTokenCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
generateHallmark(String, String, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Hallmark
GeneratePublicKey - Class in nxt.tools
GeneratePublicKey() - Constructor for class nxt.tools.GeneratePublicKey
generateToken - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
generateToken(String, byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.Token
generateToken(String, String) - Static method in class nxt.Token
GenerateToken - Class in nxt.http
GenerateTokenCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
GENERATION_DEADLINE - nxt.Generator.Event
Generator - Class in nxt
Generator.ActiveGenerator - Class in nxt
Active generator
Generator.Event - Enum in nxt
Genesis - Class in nxt
get(byte) - Static method in enum nxt.HoldingType
get(byte) - Static method in enum nxt.Shuffling.Stage
get(byte) - Static method in enum nxt.VoteWeighting.MinBalanceModel
get(byte) - Static method in enum nxt.VoteWeighting.VotingModel
get(int) - Method in class nxt.addons.JA
get(int) - Static method in enum nxt.CurrencyType
get(long) - Static method in class nxt.AccountRestrictions.PhasingOnly
get(Number) - Static method in enum nxt.peer.Peer.BlockchainState
get(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
get(String) - Static method in enum nxt.peer.Peer.BlockchainState
get(Connection, ResultSet) - Method in interface nxt.db.DbIterator.ResultSetReader
get(DbKey) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
get(DbKey) - Method in class nxt.db.ValuesDbTable
get(DbKey, boolean) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
get(DbKey, int) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
GET_ACCOUNT - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ACCOUNT_ID - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ALIAS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ALIAS_COUNT - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ALIASES - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ALL_ASSETS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ALL_TRADES - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ASK_ORDER - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ASK_ORDER_IDS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ASK_ORDERS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ASSET - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ASSET_IDS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_ASSETS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_BALANCE - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_BID_ORDER - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_BID_ORDER_IDS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_BID_ORDERS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_BLOCK - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_BLOCK_ID - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_BLOCKS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_BUY_OFFERS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_CONSTANTS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_CURRENCY - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_DATA_TAGS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_DGS_GOOD - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_DGS_GOODS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_DGS_TAG_COUNT - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_DGS_TAGS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_DGS_TAGS_LIKE - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_E_C_BLOCK - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_EPOCH_TIME - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_EXCHANGES - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_FORGING - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_LAST_TRADES - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_LOG - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_MY_INFO - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_OFFER - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_PEER - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_PEERS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_PLUGINS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_POLL - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_POLL_RESULT - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_POLL_VOTE - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_POLL_VOTES - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_POLLS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_SELL_OFFERS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_SHARED_KEY - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_SHUFFLERS - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_SHUFFLING - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_STATE - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_TAGGED_DATA - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_TIME - nxt.http.APIEnum
GET_TRADES - nxt.http.APIEnum
getAccount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAccount(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccount(long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccount(long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccount(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getAccount(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
GetAccount - Class in nxt.http
getAccountAliasCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.Alias
getAccountAsset(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccountAsset(long, long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccountAssetCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAccountAssetCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccountAssetCount(long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
GetAccountAssetCount - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountAssetCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountAssetDeletes(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getAccountAssetDeletes(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getAccountAssetHistory(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getAccountAssetHistory(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getAccountAssetIncreases(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getAccountAssetIncreases(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getAccountAssets - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAccountAssets(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccountAssets(long, int, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
GetAccountAssets - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountAssetsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountAssetTrades(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Trade
getAccountAssetTransfers(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getAccountAssetTransfers(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getAccountBlockCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountBlockCount - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountBlockCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountBlockIds - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountBlockIds - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountBlockIdsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountBlocks - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountBlocks - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountBlocksCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
GetAccountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountCurrencies - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAccountCurrencies(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccountCurrencies(long, int, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
GetAccountCurrencies - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountCurrenciesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountCurrency(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccountCurrency(long, long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccountCurrencyCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAccountCurrencyCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccountCurrencyCount(long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
GetAccountCurrencyCount - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountCurrencyCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountCurrencyExchangeRequests(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getAccountCurrencyExchanges(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Exchange
getAccountCurrencyTransfers(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getAccountCurrencyTransfers(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getAccountCurrentAskOrderIds - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountCurrentAskOrderIds - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountCurrentAskOrderIdsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountCurrentAskOrders - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountCurrentAskOrders - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountCurrentAskOrdersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountCurrentBidOrderIds - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountCurrentBidOrderIds - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountCurrentBidOrderIdsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountCurrentBidOrders - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountCurrentBidOrders - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountCurrentBidOrdersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountExchangeRequests - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAccountExchangeRequests(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
GetAccountExchangeRequests - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountExchangeRequestsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountExchanges(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Exchange
getAccountId - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountAsset
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountCurrency
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountInfo
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Account.PublicKey
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the account identifier
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.AccountRestrictions.PhasingOnly
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Alias
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Asset
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyFounder
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyMint
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Return the fund account identifier
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor.MonitoredAccount
Get the account identifier
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Generator.ActiveGenerator
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Generator
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Order
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.peer.Hallmark
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Shuffler
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getAccountId() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getAccountId(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getAccountId(HttpServletRequest, String, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
GetAccountId - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountIdCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountIds(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getAccountInfo() - Method in class nxt.Account
getAccountLease() - Method in class nxt.Account
getAccountLeaseCount() - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAccountLedger - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountLedger - Class in nxt.http
The GetAccountLedger API will return entries from the account ledger.
GetAccountLedgerCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountLedgerEntry - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountLedgerEntry - Class in nxt.http
The GetAccountLedgerEntry API will return an entry from the account ledger.
GetAccountLedgerEntryCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountLessors - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountLessors - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountLessorsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountName() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Return the fund account name
getAccountName() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor.MonitoredAccount
Get the account name (Reed-Solomon encoded account identifier)
getAccountOffers(long, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getAccountOffers(long, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
getAccountPhasedTransactionCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAccountPhasedTransactionCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
GetAccountPhasedTransactionCount - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountPhasedTransactionCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountPhasedTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAccountPhasedTransactions(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
GetAccountPhasedTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountPhasedTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountProperties - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountProperties - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountPropertiesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountProperty(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getAccountPublicKey - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountPublicKey - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountPublicKeyCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccounts(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Asset
getAccounts(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Currency
getAccounts(int, int, int) - Method in class nxt.Asset
getAccounts(int, int, int) - Method in class nxt.Currency
getAccounts(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getAccountShufflers(long) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffler
getAccountShufflings - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAccountShufflings(long, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
GetAccountShufflings - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountShufflingsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountTaggedData - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAccountTaggedData - Class in nxt.http
GetAccountTaggedDataCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAccountTrades(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Trade
getActiveCount() - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
getActiveLeaseCount() - Static method in class nxt.Account
getActivePeers() - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getActivePolls(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Poll
getActiveShufflings(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
getAlgorithm() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Phasing
getAlgorithm() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getAlgorithm() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getAlgorithm() - Method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
getAlias - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAlias(long) - Static method in class nxt.Alias
getAlias(String) - Static method in class nxt.Alias
getAlias(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
GetAlias - Class in nxt.http
GetAliasCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAliasCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAliasCount - Class in nxt.http
GetAliasCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAliases - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAliases - Class in nxt.http
getAliasesByOwner(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Alias
GetAliasesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAliasesLike - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAliasesLike(String, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Alias
GetAliasesLike - Class in nxt.http
GetAliasesLikeCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAliasName() - Method in class nxt.Alias
getAliasName() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAliasAssignment
getAliasName() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAliasBuy
getAliasName() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAliasDelete
getAliasName() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAliasSell
getAliasURI() - Method in class nxt.Alias
getAliasURI() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAliasAssignment
getAll(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AccountRestrictions.PhasingOnly
getAll(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getAll(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
getAll(int, int) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getAll(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Ask
getAll(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Bid
getAll(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getAll(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
getAll(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.TaggedData
getAll(int, int, int) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getAll(int, int, int, String) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getAll(int, int, String) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getAllAssets - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAllAssets(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Asset
GetAllAssets - Class in nxt.http
GetAllAssetsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllBlocks() - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getAllBroadcastedTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAllBroadcastedTransactions() - Method in interface nxt.TransactionProcessor
GetAllBroadcastedTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetAllBroadcastedTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllCurrencies - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAllCurrencies(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Currency
GetAllCurrencies - Class in nxt.http
GetAllCurrenciesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllExchangeRequests(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getAllExchanges - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAllExchanges(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Exchange
GetAllExchanges - Class in nxt.http
GetAllExchangesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllGenerators() - Static method in class nxt.Generator
getAllGoods(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getAllMonitors() - Static method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Get all monitors
getAllOpenAskOrders - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAllOpenAskOrders - Class in nxt.http
GetAllOpenAskOrdersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllOpenBidOrders - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAllOpenBidOrders - Class in nxt.http
GetAllOpenBidOrdersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllPeers() - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getAllPhasingOnlyControls - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAllPhasingOnlyControls - Class in nxt.http
GetAllPhasingOnlyControlsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllPolls(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Poll
getAllPrunableMessages - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAllPrunableMessages - Class in nxt.http
GetAllPrunableMessagesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllPurchases(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getAllShufflers() - Static method in class nxt.Shuffler
getAllShufflings - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAllShufflings - Class in nxt.http
GetAllShufflingsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllTaggedData - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAllTaggedData - Class in nxt.http
GetAllTaggedDataCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllTags(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Tag
getAllTags(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.TaggedData.Tag
getAllTrades - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAllTrades(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Trade
GetAllTrades - Class in nxt.http
GetAllTradesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAllTransactions() - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getAllTransfers(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getAllTransfers(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getAllUnconfirmedTransactions() - Method in interface nxt.TransactionProcessor
getAllUnconfirmedTransactions(int, int) - Method in interface nxt.TransactionProcessor
getAllUnconfirmedTransactions(int, int, String) - Method in interface nxt.TransactionProcessor
getAllUnconfirmedTransactions(String) - Method in interface nxt.TransactionProcessor
getAllWaitingTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAllWaitingTransactions() - Method in interface nxt.TransactionProcessor
GetAllWaitingTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetAllWaitingTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAmount() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingCreation
getAmount() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Return the fund amount
getAmount() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor.MonitoredAccount
Get the funding amount
getAmount() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getAmount() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getAmountNQT() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer.AvailableOffers
getAmountNQT() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getAmountNQT(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getAmountNQTPerQNT() - Method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getAmountNQTPerQNT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsDividendPayment
getAmountNQTPerQNT(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getAmountPerUnitNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemReserveIncrease
getAmountPerUnitNQT() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyFounder
getAnnouncedAddress() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getAnyPeer(Peer.State, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getApiPort() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getAPIRequestHandler() - Method in interface nxt.addons.AddOn
getAPIRequestHandler() - Method in class nxt.addons.PopOffCounter
getAPIRequestHandler(String) - Static method in class nxt.http.APIServlet
getAPIRequestHandlers() - Static method in class nxt.http.APIServlet
getAPIRequestName() - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractEncryptedConfig
getAPIRequestName() - Method in class nxt.addons.ForgingEncryptedConfig
getAPIRequestName() - Method in class nxt.addons.FundingMonitorsEncryptedConfig
getAPIRequests() - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractEncryptedConfig
getAPIRequests() - Method in interface nxt.addons.AddOn
getAPIRequestType() - Method in interface nxt.addons.AddOn
getAPIRequestType() - Method in class nxt.addons.PopOffCounter
getApiServerIdleTimeout() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getApiSSLPort() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getAPITag() - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractEncryptedConfig
getAPITag() - Method in class nxt.addons.ForgingEncryptedConfig
getAPITag() - Method in class nxt.addons.FundingMonitorsEncryptedConfig
getAPITags() - Method in class nxt.http.APIServlet.APIRequestHandler
getAppendages() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getAppendages(boolean) - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getAppendages(Filter<Appendix>, boolean) - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getApplication() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getApproved(int) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
getArray(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getArray(ResultSet, String, Class<? extends T[]>) - Static method in class nxt.db.DbUtils
getArray(ResultSet, String, Class<? extends T[]>, T[]) - Static method in class nxt.db.DbUtils
getAskOrder - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAskOrder(long) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Ask
GetAskOrder - Class in nxt.http
GetAskOrderCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAskOrderHeight() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getAskOrderId() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getAskOrderIds - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAskOrderIds - Class in nxt.http
GetAskOrderIdsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAskOrders - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAskOrders - Class in nxt.http
getAskOrdersByAccount(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Ask
getAskOrdersByAccountAsset(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Ask
getAskOrdersByAsset(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Ask
GetAskOrdersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAskOrderTrades(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Trade
getAsset - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAsset(long) - Method in class nxt.Account
getAsset(long) - Static method in class nxt.Asset
getAsset(long, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getAsset(long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Asset
getAsset(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
GetAsset - Class in nxt.http
getAssetAccountCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAssetAccountCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAssetAccountCount(long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
GetAssetAccountCount - Class in nxt.http
GetAssetAccountCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssetAccounts - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAssetAccounts(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAssetAccounts(long, int, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
GetAssetAccounts - Class in nxt.http
GetAssetAccountsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssetBalanceQNT(long) - Method in class nxt.Account
getAssetBalanceQNT(long, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getAssetBalanceQNT(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getAssetBalanceQNT(long, long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
GetAssetCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssetDeletes - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAssetDeletes(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetHistory
GetAssetDeletes - Class in nxt.http
GetAssetDeletesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssetDividends - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAssetDividends(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetDividend
GetAssetDividends - Class in nxt.http
GetAssetDividendsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssetHistory - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAssetHistory(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetHistory
GetAssetHistory - Class in nxt.http
GetAssetHistoryCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountAsset
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.Asset.AssetProperty
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetProperty
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetQuantity
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetTransfer
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsDividendPayment
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsOrderPlacement
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.Order
getAssetId() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getAssetIds - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAssetIds - Class in nxt.http
GetAssetIdsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssetIncreases(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getAssetPhasedTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAssetPhasedTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetAssetPhasedTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssetProperties - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAssetProperties - Class in nxt.http
GetAssetPropertiesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssets - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAssets(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getAssets(int, int, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
GetAssets - Class in nxt.http
getAssetsByIssuer - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetAssetsByIssuer - Class in nxt.http
GetAssetsByIssuerCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
GetAssetsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssetsIssuedBy(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Asset
getAssetTrades(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Trade
getAssetTransfers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAssetTransfers(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getAssetTransfers(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Asset
getAssetTransfers(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
GetAssetTransfers - Class in nxt.http
GetAssetTransfersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssignedShufflings - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAssignedShufflings(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
GetAssignedShufflings - Class in nxt.http
GetAssignedShufflingsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAssigneeAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getAsyncContext() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getAttachment() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getAttachmentJson() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getAttribute(String) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getAttributeNames() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getAuthType() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getAutoCommit() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getAvailableToBuy - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAvailableToBuy(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
GetAvailableToBuy - Class in nxt.http
GetAvailableToBuyCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getAvailableToSell - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getAvailableToSell(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
GetAvailableToSell - Class in nxt.http
GetAvailableToSellCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBalance - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getBalance() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the new balance
getBalance(Account, long) - Method in enum nxt.HoldingType
getBalance(VoteWeighting, long, int) - Method in enum nxt.VoteWeighting.MinBalanceModel
GetBalance - Class in nxt.http
GetBalanceCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBalanceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Account
getBaselineFee(Transaction) - Method in class nxt.Appendix.AbstractAppendix
getBaselineFee(Transaction) - Method in class nxt.Appendix.AbstractEncryptedMessage
getBaselineFee(Transaction) - Method in interface nxt.Appendix
getBaselineFee(Transaction) - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Message
getBaselineFee(Transaction) - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Phasing
getBaselineFee(Transaction) - Method in class nxt.Appendix.PrunableEncryptedMessage
getBaselineFee(Transaction) - Method in class nxt.Appendix.PrunablePlainMessage
getBaselineFee(Transaction) - Method in class nxt.Attachment.AbstractAttachment
getBaselineFeeHeight() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.AbstractAppendix
getBaselineFeeHeight() - Method in interface nxt.Appendix
getBaselineFeeHeight() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.AbstractAttachment
getBaseTarget() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getBaseTarget() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getBidOrder - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getBidOrder(long) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Bid
GetBidOrder - Class in nxt.http
GetBidOrderCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBidOrderHeight() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getBidOrderId() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getBidOrderIds - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetBidOrderIds - Class in nxt.http
GetBidOrderIdsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBidOrders - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetBidOrders - Class in nxt.http
getBidOrdersByAccount(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Bid
getBidOrdersByAccountAsset(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Bid
getBidOrdersByAsset(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Bid
GetBidOrdersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBidOrderTrades(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Trade
getBlacklistingCause() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getBlameData() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingCancellation
getBlameData() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getBlock - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getBlock() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
getBlock() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getBlock() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getBlock(long) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
GetBlock - Class in nxt.http
getBlockAtHeight(int) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
GetBlockCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBlockchain() - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getBlockchainProcessor() - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getBlockchainState() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getBlockchainStatus - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetBlockchainStatus - Class in nxt.http
GetBlockchainStatusCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBlockchainTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetBlockchainTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetBlockchainTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBlockCount(long) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getBlockId - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getBlockId() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the block identifier
getBlockId() - Method in class nxt.Exchange
getBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getBlockId() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
GetBlockId - Class in nxt.http
getBlockIdAtHeight(int) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
GetBlockIdCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBlockIdsAfter(long, int) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getBlocks - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getBlocks() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
getBlocks(int, int) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getBlocks(long, int) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getBlocks(long, int, int, int) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getBlocks(Connection, PreparedStatement) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
GetBlocks - Class in nxt.http
getBlocksAfter(long, int) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getBlocksAfter(long, List<Long>) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
GetBlocksCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBlockSignature() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getBlockSignature() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getBlocksRemaining() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getBlockTimestamp() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getBlockTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getBlockTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getBlockTimestamp() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getBlockTimeStamp() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getBoolean(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getBooleanProperty(String) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getBuyerId() - Method in class nxt.Alias.Offer
getBuyerId() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getBuyerId() - Method in class nxt.Exchange
getBuyerId() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getBuyerPurchaseCount(long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getBuyerPurchases(long, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getBuyOffer(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getBuyOffers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetBuyOffers - Class in nxt.http
GetBuyOffersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getBuyRateNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemPublishExchangeOffer
getBy(DbClause) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getBy(DbClause, int) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getByte(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getByte(String, byte) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getByte(HttpServletRequest, String, byte, byte, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getByte(HttpServletRequest, String, byte, byte, byte, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getBytes() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getBytes() - Method in class nxt.crypto.AnonymouslyEncryptedData
getBytes() - Method in class nxt.crypto.EncryptedData
getBytes() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall
getBytes() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getBytes(HttpServletRequest, String, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getCachedUnconfirmedTransactions(List<String>) - Method in interface nxt.TransactionProcessor
getCancellingAccountId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingCancellation
getCatalog() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getChange() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the balance change
getChannel() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataAttachment
getChannel() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getChannelTaggedData - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetChannelTaggedData - Class in nxt.http
GetChannelTaggedDataCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getClientInfo() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getClientInfo(String) - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getCode() - Method in enum nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
Return the event code
getCode() - Method in enum nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerHolding
Return the holding code
getCode() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getCode() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getCode() - Method in enum nxt.CurrencyType
getCode() - Method in enum nxt.HoldingType
getCode() - Method in enum nxt.peer.Peer.Service
getCode() - Method in enum nxt.Shuffling.Stage
getCode() - Method in enum nxt.ShufflingParticipant.State
getCode() - Method in enum nxt.VoteWeighting.MinBalanceModel
getCode() - Method in enum nxt.VoteWeighting.VotingModel
getConfDir() - Method in class nxt.env.DefaultDirProvider
getConfDir() - Method in interface nxt.env.DirProvider
getConfDir() - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getConfirmations() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getConnection() - Method in class nxt.db.BasicDb
getConnection() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getConnection() - Method in interface nxt.db.pool.ConnectionPool
getConnection() - Method in class nxt.db.pool.H2ConnectionPool
getConnection() - Method in class nxt.db.TransactionalDb
getConstants - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getConstants() - Static method in class nxt.http.GetConstants
GetConstants - Class in nxt.http
GetConstantsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getContentLength() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getContentLengthLong() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getContentType() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getContextPath() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getControls() - Method in class nxt.Account
getCookies() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getCorePoolSize() - Method in class nxt.util.QueuedThreadPool
Return the core pool size
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Account
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.AccountRestrictions.PhasingOnly
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Alias
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Asset
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Currency
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getCount() - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Tag
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Exchange
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Order.Ask
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Order.Bid
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Poll
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.TaggedData
getCount() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData.Tag
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Trade
getCount() - Method in class nxt.util.CountingInputReader
Return the total number of characters read
getCount() - Method in class nxt.util.CountingInputStream
getCount() - Method in class nxt.util.CountingOutputStream
getCount() - Method in class nxt.util.CountingOutputWriter
Return the number of characters written
getCount() - Static method in class nxt.Vote
getCount(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getCount(DbClause) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getCount(DbClause, int) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getCounter() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyMinting
getCounter() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyMint
getCounter(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyMint
getCounterOffer() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getCounterOffer() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
getCounterOffer() - Method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
getCountInStock() - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getCountInStock() - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Tag
getCreatedTransaction() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
Use to parse responses of create transaction API
getCreatedTransactions() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
Response from CreateTransaction calls wraps the transactions inside a transactionJSON object
getCreationHeight() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getCumulativeDifficulty() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getCumulativeDifficulty() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getCurrencies - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getCurrencies(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getCurrencies(int, int, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
GetCurrencies - Class in nxt.http
getCurrenciesByIssuer - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetCurrenciesByIssuer - Class in nxt.http
GetCurrenciesByIssuerCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
GetCurrenciesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getCurrency - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getCurrency(long) - Method in class nxt.Account
getCurrency(long) - Static method in class nxt.Currency
getCurrency(long, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getCurrency(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getCurrency(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
GetCurrency - Class in nxt.http
getCurrencyAccountCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getCurrencyAccountCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getCurrencyAccountCount(long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
GetCurrencyAccountCount - Class in nxt.http
GetCurrencyAccountCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getCurrencyAccounts - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getCurrencyAccounts(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getCurrencyAccounts(long, int, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
GetCurrencyAccounts - Class in nxt.http
GetCurrencyAccountsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getCurrencyByCode(String) - Static method in class nxt.Currency
getCurrencyByName(String) - Static method in class nxt.Currency
GetCurrencyCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getCurrencyExchangeRequests(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getCurrencyExchanges(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Exchange
getCurrencyFounders - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getCurrencyFounders(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyFounder
GetCurrencyFounders - Class in nxt.http
GetCurrencyFoundersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountCurrency
getCurrencyId() - Method in interface nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemAttachment
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyDeletion
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyMinting
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyTransfer
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemExchange
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemPublishExchangeOffer
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemReserveClaim
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemReserveIncrease
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyFounder
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyMint
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.Exchange
getCurrencyId() - Method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getCurrencyIds - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetCurrencyIds - Class in nxt.http
GetCurrencyIdsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getCurrencyIssuedBy(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Currency
getCurrencyOffers(long, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getCurrencyOffers(long, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
getCurrencyPhasedTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetCurrencyPhasedTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetCurrencyPhasedTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getCurrencyTransfers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getCurrencyTransfers(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getCurrencyTransfers(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
GetCurrencyTransfers - Class in nxt.http
GetCurrencyTransfersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getCurrencyUnits(long) - Method in class nxt.Account
getCurrencyUnits(long, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getCurrencyUnits(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getCurrencyUnits(long, long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getCurrentLeasingHeightFrom() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountLease
getCurrentLeasingHeightTo() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountLease
getCurrentLesseeId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountLease
getCurrentReservePerUnitNQT() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getCurrentSupply() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getData() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingProcessing
getData() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataAttachment
getData() - Method in class nxt.crypto.AnonymouslyEncryptedData
getData() - Method in class nxt.crypto.EncryptedData
getData() - Method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser.FileData
getData() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getData() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getData(long) - Static method in class nxt.TaggedData
getData(String, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.TaggedData
getDataParameter() - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractEncryptedConfig
getDataParameter() - Method in class nxt.addons.ForgingEncryptedConfig
getDataParameter() - Method in class nxt.addons.FundingMonitorsEncryptedConfig
getDataTagCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDataTagCount - Class in nxt.http
GetDataTagCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDataTags - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDataTags - Class in nxt.http
GetDataTagsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDataTagsLike - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDataTagsLike - Class in nxt.http
GetDataTagsLikeCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDataTransactionFullHash() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getDate() - Method in class nxt.peer.Hallmark
getDateHeader(String) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getDbDir(String) - Method in class nxt.env.DefaultDirProvider
getDbDir(String) - Method in interface nxt.env.DirProvider
getDbDir(String) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getDeadline() - Method in class nxt.Generator
getDeadline() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getDeadline() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getDecimals() - Method in class nxt.Asset
getDecimals() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetIssuance
getDecimals() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getDecimals() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getDefaultFilename() - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractEncryptedConfig
getDefaultFilename() - Method in class nxt.addons.ForgingEncryptedConfig
getDefaultPath() - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractEncryptedConfig
getDefaultPeerPort() - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getDeliveryDeadlineTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsPurchase
getDeliveryDeadlineTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getDeltaQuantity() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsQuantityChange
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountInfo
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.Asset
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetIssuance
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsListing
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAccountInfo
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataAttachment
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.Poll
getDescription() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getDGSExpiredPurchases - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSExpiredPurchases - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSExpiredPurchasesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSGood - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSGood - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSGoodCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSGoods - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSGoods - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSGoodsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSGoodsCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSGoodsCount - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSGoodsCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSGoodsPurchaseCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSGoodsPurchaseCount - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSGoodsPurchaseCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSGoodsPurchases - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSGoodsPurchases - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSGoodsPurchasesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSPendingPurchases - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSPendingPurchases - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSPendingPurchasesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSPurchase - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSPurchase - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSPurchaseCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSPurchaseCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSPurchaseCount - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSPurchaseCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSPurchases - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSPurchases - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSPurchasesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSTagCount - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSTagCount - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSTagCountCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSTags - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSTags - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSTagsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDGSTagsLike - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetDGSTagsLike - Class in nxt.http
GetDGSTagsLikeCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getDirProvider() - Static method in class nxt.env.RuntimeEnvironment
getDisabledApis() - Static method in class nxt.http.API
getDisabledAPIs() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getDisabledApiTags() - Static method in class nxt.http.API
getDiscountNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsDelivery
getDiscountNQT() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getDispatcherType() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getDisplayName() - Method in enum nxt.http.APITag
getDividendHeight() - Method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getDouble(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getDownloadedVolume() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getECBlock - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getECBlock(int) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
GetECBlock - Class in nxt.http
GetECBlockCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getEcBlockHeight() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getECBlockHeight() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getECBlockHeight() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getEcBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getECBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getECBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getEffectiveBalance() - Method in class nxt.Generator.ActiveGenerator
getEffectiveBalanceNXT() - Method in class nxt.Account
getEffectiveBalanceNXT(int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getEncryptedData() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.AbstractEncryptedMessage
getEncryptedData() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.PrunableEncryptedMessage
getEncryptedData() - Method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getEncryptedData(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getEncryptedDataLength(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.EncryptedData
getEncryptedGoods() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getEncryptedMessage() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getEncryptedMessage(HttpServletRequest, Account, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getEncryptedSize(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.EncryptedData
getEncryptToSelfMessage() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getEncryptToSelfMessage(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getEntityId(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getEntries(long, AccountLedger.LedgerEvent, long, AccountLedger.LedgerHolding, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.AccountLedger
Return the ledger entries sorted in descending insert order
getEntry(long) - Static method in class nxt.AccountLedger
Return a single entry identified by the ledger entry identifier
getEpochTime - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getEpochTime() - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
GetEpochTime - Class in nxt.http
GetEpochTimeCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getErrorCode() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.InvocationError
getErrorDescription() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.InvocationError
getEvent() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the ledger event
getEventId() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the associated event identifier
getExchangeCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.Exchange
getExchangeRequest(long) - Static method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getExchanges - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getExchanges(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getExchanges(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Currency
getExchanges(long) - Static method in class nxt.Exchange
GetExchanges - Class in nxt.http
getExchangesByExchangeRequest - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExchangesByExchangeRequest - Class in nxt.http
GetExchangesByExchangeRequestCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExchangesByOffer - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExchangesByOffer - Class in nxt.http
GetExchangesByOfferCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
GetExchangesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExecutedPhasedTransactionIds() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getExecutedPhasedTransactions() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getExpectedAskOrders - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExpectedAskOrders - Class in nxt.http
GetExpectedAskOrdersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExpectedAssetDeletes - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExpectedAssetDeletes - Class in nxt.http
GetExpectedAssetDeletesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExpectedAssetTransfers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExpectedAssetTransfers - Class in nxt.http
GetExpectedAssetTransfersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExpectedBidOrders - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExpectedBidOrders - Class in nxt.http
GetExpectedBidOrdersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExpectedBuyOffers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExpectedBuyOffers - Class in nxt.http
GetExpectedBuyOffersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExpectedCurrencyTransfers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExpectedCurrencyTransfers - Class in nxt.http
GetExpectedCurrencyTransfersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExpectedExchangeRequests - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExpectedExchangeRequests - Class in nxt.http
GetExpectedExchangeRequestsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExpectedOrderCancellations - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExpectedOrderCancellations - Class in nxt.http
GetExpectedOrderCancellationsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExpectedSellOffers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetExpectedSellOffers - Class in nxt.http
GetExpectedSellOffersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExpectedTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getExpectedTransactions(Filter<Transaction>) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
GetExpectedTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetExpectedTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getExpiration() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getExpiration() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getExpirationHeight() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemPublishExchangeOffer
getExpirationHeight() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
getExpiredSellerPurchases(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getExtendTransactionIds(long) - Static method in class nxt.TaggedData
getExternalAddress() - Static method in class nxt.util.UPnP
Return the external address
getExtraParameters() - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractEncryptedConfig
getExtraParameters() - Method in class nxt.addons.ForgingEncryptedConfig
getFailedTransaction() - Method in class nxt.Shuffler
getFailureCause() - Method in class nxt.Shuffler
getFee() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getFee(TransactionImpl, Appendix) - Method in class nxt.Fee.ConstantFee
getFee(TransactionImpl, Appendix) - Method in interface nxt.Fee
getFee(TransactionImpl, Appendix) - Method in class nxt.Fee.SizeBasedFee
getFeedbackNotes() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getFeeNQT() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getFeeNQT(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getFetchDirection() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getFetchSize() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getFilename() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataAttachment
getFilename() - Method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser.FileData
getFilename() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getFilenameProperty() - Method in class nxt.addons.StartAuto
getFilenameProperty() - Method in class nxt.addons.StartForging
getFilenameProperty() - Method in class nxt.addons.StartFundingMonitors
getFileParameter() - Method in class nxt.http.APIServlet.APIRequestHandler
getFileParameter() - Method in enum nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getFinishedShufflings(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
getFinishHeight() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Phasing
getFinishHeight() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation
getFirstIndex(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getFloat(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getForgedBalanceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Account
getForging - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetForging - Class in nxt.http
GetForgingCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getFounder(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyFounder
getFounderCurrencies(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyFounder
getFullHash() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getFullHash() - Method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
getFullHash() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getFullHash() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getFullSize() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.AbstractAppendix
getFullSize() - Method in interface nxt.Appendix
getFullSize() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getFundingMonitor - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetFundingMonitor - Class in nxt.http
Get a funding monitor
GetFundingMonitorCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getFxtTransaction() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getGeneratedKeys() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getGenerationSignature() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getGenerationSignature() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getGenerator() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getGenerator(String) - Static method in class nxt.Generator
getGeneratorCount() - Static method in class nxt.Generator
getGeneratorId() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getGeneratorId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getGeneratorPublicKey() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getGeneratorPublicKey() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getGeneratorRs() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getGenesisBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.BlockchainProcessor
getGoods() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsDelivery
getGoods(long) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getGoods(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getGoodsId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsDelisting
getGoodsId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsPriceChange
getGoodsId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsPurchase
getGoodsId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsQuantityChange
getGoodsId() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getGoodsInStock(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getGoodsPurchaseCount(long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getGoodsPurchases(long, long, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getGoodsQuantity(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getGuaranteedBalance - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetGuaranteedBalance - Class in nxt.http
GetGuaranteedBalanceCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getGuaranteedBalanceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Account
getGuaranteedBalanceNQT(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getHallmark() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getHallmarkString() - Method in class nxt.peer.Hallmark
getHandler() - Method in enum nxt.http.APIEnum
getHash() - Method in interface nxt.Appendix.Prunable
getHash() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.PrunableEncryptedMessage
getHash() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.PrunablePlainMessage
getHash() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingProcessing
getHash() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataAttachment
getHash() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataExtend
getHash() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataUpload
getHash(byte, long, long, long, long, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyMinting
getHash(HashFunction, long, long, long, long, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyMinting
getHashedSecret() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Phasing
getHashedSecret() - Method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
getHashFunction(byte) - Static method in enum nxt.crypto.HashFunction
getHashFunction(byte) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
getHeader(String) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getHeaderNames() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getHeaders(String) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.Account.PublicKey
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the height
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsDividendPayment
getHeight() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getHeight() - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.Exchange
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getHeight() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getHeight() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.Order
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.PhasingPoll.PhasingPollResult
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getHeight() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getHeight() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getHeight(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getHeight(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getHitTime() - Method in class nxt.Generator.ActiveGenerator
getHitTime() - Method in class nxt.Generator
getHoldability() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getHolding() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the holding
getHoldingId() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the holding identifier
getHoldingId() - Method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getHoldingId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsDividendPayment
getHoldingId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingCreation
getHoldingId() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Return the holding identifier
getHoldingId() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getHoldingId() - Method in class nxt.VoteWeighting
getHoldingId(HttpServletRequest, HoldingType) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getHoldingPhasedTransactions(long, VoteWeighting.VotingModel, long, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
getHoldingShufflingCount(long, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
getHoldingShufflings - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getHoldingShufflings(long, Shuffling.Stage, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
GetHoldingShufflings - Class in nxt.http
GetHoldingShufflingsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getHoldingType() - Method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getHoldingType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsDividendPayment
getHoldingType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingCreation
getHoldingType() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Return the monitor holding type
getHoldingType() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getHoldingType(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getHost() - Method in class nxt.peer.Hallmark
getHost() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getHostNameVerifier() - Static method in class nxt.util.TrustAllSSLProvider
getId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountProperty
getId() - Method in class nxt.Account
getId() - Method in class nxt.Alias
getId() - Method in class nxt.Alias.Offer
getId() - Method in class nxt.Asset.AssetProperty
getId() - Method in class nxt.Asset
getId() - Method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getId() - Method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getId() - Method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getId() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getId() - Method in enum nxt.crypto.HashFunction
getId() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
getId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getId() - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.LinkKey
getId() - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.LongKey
getId() - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.StringKey
getId() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getId() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getId() - Method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getId() - Method in class nxt.Order
getId() - Method in class nxt.PhasingPoll.PhasingPollResult
getId() - Method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getId() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getId() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getId() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getId() - Method in class nxt.Vote
getId(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getInboundPeers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getInboundPeers() - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
GetInboundPeers - Class in nxt.http
The GetInboundPeers API will return a list of inbound peers.
GetInboundPeersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getIndex() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getIndex() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getIndex() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getInitialBuySupply() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemPublishExchangeOffer
getInitialQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.Asset
getInitialScanHeight() - Method in interface nxt.BlockchainProcessor
getInitialSellSupply() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemPublishExchangeOffer
getInitialSupply() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getInitialSupply() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getInputStream() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall
getInputStream() - Method in interface nxt.http.APIConnector
getInputStream() - Method in class nxt.http.APIInProcessConnector
getInputStream() - Method in class nxt.http.APIRemoteConnector
getInputStream() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getInstance() - Static method in class nxt.http.APIProxy
getInStockCount() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Tag
getInStockTags(int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Tag
getInt(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getInt(String, int) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getInt(HttpServletRequest, String, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getInt(HttpServletRequest, String, int, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getInterval() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Return the fund interval
getInterval() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor.MonitoredAccount
Get the funding interval
getIntHeader(String) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getIntProperty(String) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getIntProperty(String, int) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getIssuanceHeight() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getIssuanceHeight() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getIssuerId() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getJo(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getJoList(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getJson() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getJSONObject() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.AbstractAppendix
getJSONObject() - Method in interface nxt.Appendix
getJSONObject() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getJSONObject() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getJsonResponse() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall
getKeySeed(String, byte[]...) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.Crypto
getKeySeeds() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingCancellation
getKeySeeds() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getLargeMaxRows() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getLargeUpdateCount() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getLastBlock() - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getLastBlock(int) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getLastBlockchainFeeder() - Method in interface nxt.BlockchainProcessor
getLastBlockchainFeederHeight() - Method in interface nxt.BlockchainProcessor
getLastBlockTimestamp() - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getLastConnectAttempt() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getLastDividend(long) - Static method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getLastExchanges - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getLastExchanges(long[]) - Static method in class nxt.Exchange
GetLastExchanges - Class in nxt.http
GetLastExchangesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getLastIndex(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getLastParticipant() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getLastTrades - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getLastTrades(long[]) - Static method in class nxt.Trade
GetLastTrades - Class in nxt.http
GetLastTradesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getLastUpdated() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getLedgerEvent() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType
getLedgerId() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the ledger identifier
getLessorId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountLease
getLessors() - Method in class nxt.Account
getLessors(int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getLimit() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
getLinkedFullHashes() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Phasing
getLinkedFullHashes() - Method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
getLinkedPhasedTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getLinkedPhasedTransactions(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
GetLinkedPhasedTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetLinkedPhasedTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getLocalAddr() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getLocalAddress() - Static method in class nxt.util.UPnP
Return the local address
getLocale() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getLocales() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getLocalName() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getLocalPort() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getLog - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetLog - Class in nxt.http
The GetLog API will return log messages from the ring buffer maintained by the MemoryHandler log handler.
GetLogCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getLogFile() - Method in class nxt.env.SystemTrayDataProvider
getLogFileDir() - Method in class nxt.env.DefaultDirProvider
getLogFileDir() - Method in interface nxt.env.DirProvider
getLong(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getLong(String, long) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getLong(HttpServletRequest, String, long, long, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getLong(HttpServletRequest, String, long, long, long) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getManyBy(Connection, PreparedStatement, boolean) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getManyBy(DbClause, int, int) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getManyBy(DbClause, int, int, int) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getManyBy(DbClause, int, int, int, String) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getManyBy(DbClause, int, int, String) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getMaxDifficulty() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getMaxDifficulty() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getMaxDuration() - Method in class nxt.AccountRestrictions.PhasingOnly
getMaxDuration() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.SetPhasingOnly
getMaxFees() - Method in class nxt.AccountRestrictions.PhasingOnly
getMaxFees() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.SetPhasingOnly
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getMaximumPoolSize() - Method in class nxt.util.QueuedThreadPool
Return the maximum pool size
getMaxNumberOfOptions() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation
getMaxNumberOfOptions() - Method in class nxt.Poll
getMaxRangeValue() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation
getMaxRangeValue() - Method in class nxt.Poll
getMaxRows() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getMaxStringSize(int) - Static method in class nxt.util.Convert
getMaxSupply() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getMaxSupply() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getMessage() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Message
getMessage() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.PrunablePlainMessage
getMessage() - Method in exception nxt.BlockchainProcessor.BlockNotAcceptedException
getMessage() - Method in exception nxt.BlockchainProcessor.TransactionNotAcceptedException
getMessage() - Method in enum nxt.env.ServerStatus
getMessage() - Method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getMessage() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getMessageDigest(String) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.Crypto
getMessages(int) - Method in class nxt.util.MemoryHandler
Return the log messages from the ring buffer
getMetaData() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getMetaData() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredPreparedStatement
getMethod() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getMinBalance() - Method in class nxt.VoteWeighting
getMinBalanceModel() - Method in class nxt.VoteWeighting
getMinBalanceModel() - Method in enum nxt.VoteWeighting.VotingModel
getMinDifficulty() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getMinDifficulty() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getMinDuration() - Method in class nxt.AccountRestrictions.PhasingOnly
getMinDuration() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.SetPhasingOnly
getMinNumberOfOptions() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation
getMinNumberOfOptions() - Method in class nxt.Poll
getMinRangeValue() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation
getMinRangeValue() - Method in class nxt.Poll
getMinReservePerUnitNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getMinReservePerUnitNQT() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getMinRollbackHeight() - Method in interface nxt.BlockchainProcessor
getMintingTarget - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetMintingTarget - Class in nxt.http
Currency miners can use this API to obtain their target hash value for minting currency units
GetMintingTargetCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getMonitoredAccounts(FundingMonitor) - Static method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Get all monitored accounts for a single monitor
getMonitors(Filter<FundingMonitor>) - Static method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Get monitors satisfying the supplied filter
getMoreResults() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getMoreResults(int) - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getMyBlockchainState() - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getMyInfo - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetMyInfo - Class in nxt.http
GetMyInfoCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getMyPeerInfoRequest() - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getMyPeerInfoResponse() - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getMySize() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.PropertyDeleteAttachment
getName() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountInfo
getName() - Method in class nxt.Asset
getName() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetIssuance
getName() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsListing
getName() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAccountInfo
getName() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getName() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataAttachment
getName() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getName() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getName() - Method in enum nxt.http.APIEnum
getName() - Method in class nxt.Poll
getName() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getName() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType
getNetworkTimeout() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getNextAccountId() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getNextBlock() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getNextBlockGenerators - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetNextBlockGeneratorsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
GetNextBlockGeneratorsTemp - Class in nxt.http
The GetNextBlockGenerators API will return the next block generators ordered by the hit time.
getNextBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getNextBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getNextFee(Transaction) - Method in class nxt.Appendix.AbstractAppendix
getNextFee(Transaction) - Method in interface nxt.Appendix
getNextFee(Transaction) - Method in class nxt.Attachment.AbstractAttachment
getNextFeeHeight() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.AbstractAppendix
getNextFeeHeight() - Method in interface nxt.Appendix
getNextFeeHeight() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.AbstractAttachment
getNextGenerators() - Static method in class nxt.Generator
Return a list of generators for the next block.
getNextHitTime(long, int) - Static method in class nxt.Generator
getNextLeasingHeightFrom() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountLease
getNextLeasingHeightTo() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountLease
getNextLesseeId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountLease
getNonce() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyMinting
getNonce() - Method in class nxt.crypto.EncryptedData
getNote() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getNumAccounts() - Method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getNumberOfConfirmations(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getNumberOfTransactions() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getNumericTarget(int, int, long, long, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyMinting
getNumericTarget(Currency, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyMinting
getObject(int) - Method in class nxt.addons.JA
getOffer - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getOffer(long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getOffer(long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
getOffer(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getOffer(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
getOffer(Alias) - Static method in class nxt.Alias
getOffer(Currency, Account) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getOffer(Currency, Account) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
GetOffer - Class in nxt.http
GetOfferCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getOfferExchanges(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Exchange
getOfferId() - Method in class nxt.Exchange
getOffers(Currency, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getOffers(Currency, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
getOffers(DbClause, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getOffers(DbClause, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
getOffers(DbClause, int, int, String) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyBuyOffer
getOffers(DbClause, int, int, String) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencySellOffer
getOptions() - Method in class nxt.Poll
getOrderId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsOrderCancellation
getOrderTrades - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetOrderTrades - Class in nxt.http
GetOrderTradesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getParam(String) - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
getParameter(String) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getParameterMap() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getParameterMetaData() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredPreparedStatement
getParameterNames() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getParameters() - Method in class nxt.http.APIServlet.APIRequestHandler
getParameters() - Method in enum nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getParams() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Phasing
getParentTransactionFullHashes() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getParentTransactions() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getParsedTags() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getParsedTags() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getPart(String) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getParticipant(long) - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getParticipant(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getParticipantCount() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingCreation
getParticipantCount() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getParticipants(long) - Static method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getParts() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getPathInfo() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getPathTranslated() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getPayloadHash() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getPayloadHash() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getPayloadLength() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getPeer - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getPeer(String) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
GetPeer - Class in nxt.http
getPeerApiUri() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
GetPeerCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPeers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getPeers(Peer.State) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getPeers(Filter<Peer>) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getPeers(Filter<Peer>, int) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
GetPeers - Class in nxt.http
GetPeersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPendingSellerPurchases(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getPeriod() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.AccountControlEffectiveBalanceLeasing
getPhasedTransactionId() - Method in class nxt.PhasingVote
getPhasing() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getPhasingOnlyControl - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetPhasingOnlyControl - Class in nxt.http
Returns the phasing control certain account.
GetPhasingOnlyControlCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPhasingParams() - Method in class nxt.AccountRestrictions.PhasingOnly
getPhasingParams() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.SetPhasingOnly
getPhasingPoll - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetPhasingPoll - Class in nxt.http
GetPhasingPollCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPhasingPolls - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetPhasingPolls - Class in nxt.http
GetPhasingPollsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPhasingPollVote - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetPhasingPollVote - Class in nxt.http
GetPhasingPollVoteCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPhasingPollVotes - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetPhasingPollVotes - Class in nxt.http
GetPhasingPollVotesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPKClause() - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.Factory
getPKColumns() - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.Factory
getPlainMessage(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getPlatform() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getPlugins - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetPlugins - Class in nxt.http
GetPluginsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPoll - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getPoll(long) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
getPoll(long) - Static method in class nxt.Poll
getPoll(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
GetPoll - Class in nxt.http
GetPollCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPollDescription() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation
getPollId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingVoteCasting
getPollId() - Method in class nxt.Vote
getPollName() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation
getPollOptions() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation
getPollResult - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetPollResult - Class in nxt.http
GetPollResultCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPolls - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetPolls - Class in nxt.http
getPollsByAccount(long, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Poll
GetPollsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPollsFinishingAt(int) - Static method in class nxt.Poll
getPollsFinishingAtOrBefore(int, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Poll
getPollsFinishingBetween(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Poll
getPollVote - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getPollVote() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingVoteCasting
GetPollVote - Class in nxt.http
GetPollVoteCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPollVotes - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetPollVotes - Class in nxt.http
GetPollVotesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPooledConnection() - Method in class nxt.db.BasicDb
getPort() - Method in class nxt.peer.Hallmark
getPort() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getPreviousBlock() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getPreviousBlockHash() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getPreviousBlockHash() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getPreviousBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getPreviousBlockId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getPreviousParticipant() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getPriceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Alias.Offer
getPriceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsOrderPlacement
getPriceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsListing
getPriceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsPriceChange
getPriceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsPurchase
getPriceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAliasSell
getPriceNQT() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getPriceNQT() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getPriceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Order
getPriceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getPriceNQT(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getPrivateKey(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.Crypto
getPrivateKey(String) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.Crypto
getProcessId() - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getProperties(long, long, String, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getProperties(long, long, String, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Asset
getProperty() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountProperty
getProperty() - Method in class nxt.Asset.AssetProperty
getProperty() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetProperty
getProperty() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAccountProperty
getProperty() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Return the account property name
getProperty(long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getProperty(long) - Static method in class nxt.Asset
getProperty(long, String) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getProperty(long, String) - Method in class nxt.Asset
getProperty(long, String, long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getPropertyId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.PropertyDeleteAttachment
getProtocol() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getPrunableAttachmentJSON() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getPrunableEncryptedMessage() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getPrunableMessage - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getPrunableMessage(long) - Static method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
GetPrunableMessage - Class in nxt.http
GetPrunableMessageCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPrunableMessages - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getPrunableMessages(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getPrunableMessages(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
GetPrunableMessages - Class in nxt.http
GetPrunableMessagesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getPrunablePlainMessage() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getPublicFeedbacks() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getPublicKey() - Method in class nxt.Account.PublicKey
getPublicKey() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.PublicKeyAnnouncement
getPublicKey() - Method in class nxt.crypto.AnonymouslyEncryptedData
getPublicKey() - Method in class nxt.Generator
getPublicKey() - Method in class nxt.peer.Hallmark
getPublicKey() - Method in class nxt.Token
getPublicKey(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.Crypto
getPublicKey(long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getPublicKey(String) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.Crypto
getPublicKey(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getPublicKey(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getPublicPeers(Peer.State, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getPurchase(long) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getPurchase(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getPurchaseId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsDelivery
getPurchaseId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsFeedback
getPurchaseId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsRefund
getPurchases(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getQuantity() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsListing
getQuantity() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsPurchase
getQuantity() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getQuantity() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountAsset
getQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.Asset
getQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetIssuance
getQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetQuantity
getQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetTransfer
getQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsOrderPlacement
getQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.Order
getQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getQuantityQNT(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getQueryString() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getQuorum() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Phasing
getQuorum() - Method in class nxt.PhasingParams
getQuorum() - Method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
getRate() - Method in class nxt.Exchange
getRate() - Method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getRateNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemExchange
getRateNQT() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer.AvailableOffers
getRateNQT() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
getReader() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getRealPath(String) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getRecipient() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getRecipientId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountProperty
getRecipientId() - Method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getRecipientId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getRecipientId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getRecipientId() - Method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getRecipientId() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getRecipientPublicKey() - Method in class nxt.Shuffler
getRecipientPublicKeys() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingRecipients
getRecipientPublicKeys() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getRecipientRs() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getReferencedTransaction() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getReferencedTransactionFullHash() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getReferencingTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getReferencingTransactions(long, int, int) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
GetReferencingTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetReferencingTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getRefundNote() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getRefundNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsRefund
getRefundNQT() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getRegistrantCount() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getRegistrationPeriod() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingCreation
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class nxt.peer.PeerWebSocket
Return the remote address for this connection
getRemoteHost() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getRemotePort() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getRemoteUser() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getRequestedSessionId() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getRequestURI() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getRequestURL() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getReserveSupply() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getReserveSupply() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getResult() - Method in class nxt.PhasingPoll.PhasingPollResult
getResult() - Method in class nxt.Poll.OptionResult
getResult(long) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
getResults() - Method in class nxt.Poll
getResults(VoteWeighting) - Method in class nxt.Poll
getResultSet() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getResultSetType() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getRevealedSecret() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPhasingVoteCasting
getRowCount() - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
getRuleset() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getRuleset() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getRuntimeMode() - Static method in class nxt.env.RuntimeEnvironment
getSaveData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractEncryptedConfig
getSaveData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class nxt.addons.ForgingEncryptedConfig
getScheduledTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getScheduledTransactions(long) - Static method in class nxt.TransactionScheduler
GetScheduledTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetScheduledTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getSchema() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getScheme() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getSearchQuery(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getSecretPhrase(HttpServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getSecureRandom() - Static method in class nxt.crypto.Crypto
getSelfJoinClause() - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.Factory
getSellerBuyerPurchaseCount(long, long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getSellerBuyerPurchases(long, long, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getSellerGoods(long, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getSellerGoodsCount(long, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getSellerId() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getSellerId() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getSellerId() - Method in class nxt.Exchange
getSellerId() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getSellerPurchaseCount(long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getSellerPurchases(long, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getSellOffer(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getSellOffers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetSellOffers - Class in nxt.http
GetSellOffersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getSellRateNQT() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemPublishExchangeOffer
getSender() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getSenderAccount(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getSenderId() - Method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getSenderId() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getSenderId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getSenderId() - Method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getSenderId() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getSenderPublicKey() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getSenderPublicKey() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getSenderRs() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getServerName() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getServerPort() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getServerRootUri() - Static method in class nxt.http.API
getServices() - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
Return local peer services
getServletContext() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getServletPath() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getSession() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getSession(boolean) - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getSetterId() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountProperty
getSetterId() - Method in class nxt.Asset.AssetProperty
getSharedKey - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getSharedKey(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.Crypto
getSharedKey(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.crypto.Crypto
GetSharedKey - Class in nxt.http
GetSharedKeyCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getShort(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getShort(String, short) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getShuffler(long, byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffler
getShufflers - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetShufflers - Class in nxt.http
GetShufflersCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getShuffling - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getShuffling(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
getShuffling(long) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffling
getShuffling(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
GetShuffling - Class in nxt.http
GetShufflingCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getShufflingFullHash() - Method in class nxt.Shuffler
getShufflingId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.AbstractShufflingAttachment
getShufflingId() - Method in interface nxt.Attachment.ShufflingAttachment
getShufflingId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingRegistration
getShufflingId() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
getShufflingParticipants - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetShufflingParticipants - Class in nxt.http
GetShufflingParticipantsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getShufflingShufflers(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.Shuffler
getShufflingStateHash() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.AbstractShufflingAttachment
getShufflingStateHash() - Method in interface nxt.Attachment.ShufflingAttachment
getShufflingStateHash() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingRegistration
getSignature() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getSignature() - Method in class nxt.peer.Hallmark
getSignature() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getSignatureHash() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getSize() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.AbstractAppendix
getSize() - Method in interface nxt.Appendix
getSize() - Method in class nxt.crypto.AnonymouslyEncryptedData
getSize() - Method in class nxt.crypto.EncryptedData
getSize() - Method in interface nxt.util.bbh.LengthRw
getSize() - Method in enum nxt.util.bbh.LengthRwPrimitiveType
getSize(String) - Method in class nxt.util.bbh.StringRw
getSize(TransactionImpl, Appendix) - Method in class nxt.Fee.SizeBasedFee
getSize(T) - Method in interface nxt.util.bbh.ObjectRw
getSoftware() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getSortedForgers() - Static method in class nxt.Generator
getSortedOrders(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Ask
getSortedOrders(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Order.Bid
getSQL() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredPreparedStatement
getSslSocketFactory() - Static method in class nxt.util.TrustAllSSLProvider
getStackTraces - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetStackTraces - Class in nxt.http
The GetStackTraces API will return the current stack trace for each Nxt thread.
GetStackTracesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getStage() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getState - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getState() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getState() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingParticipant
GetState - Class in nxt.http
GetStateCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getStateHash() - Method in class nxt.Shuffling
getString(String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getString(String, String) - Method in class nxt.addons.JO
getStringId() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getStringId() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getStringListProperty(String) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getStringProperty(String) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getStringProperty(String, String) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getStringProperty(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getStringProperty(String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getSubtype() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType
getSubType() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getSupply() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer
getSystemResource(String) - Static method in class nxt.util.ResourceLookup
getSystemResourceAsStream(String) - Static method in class nxt.util.ResourceLookup
getTag() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Tag
getTag() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData.Tag
getTagCount() - Static method in class nxt.TaggedData.Tag
getTaggedData - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getTaggedData(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
GetTaggedData - Class in nxt.http
GetTaggedDataCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getTaggedDataExtendTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetTaggedDataExtendTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetTaggedDataExtendTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getTaggedDataId() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataExtend
getTags() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsListing
getTags() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataAttachment
getTags() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getTags() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getTagsLike(String, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Tag
getTagsLike(String, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.TaggedData.Tag
getTarget(int, int, long, long, long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyMinting
getTarget(BigInteger) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyMinting
getThreshold() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor
Return the fund threshold
getThreshold() - Method in class nxt.FundingMonitor.MonitoredAccount
Get the funding threshold
getTime - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getTime() - Method in class nxt.util.Time.ConstantTime
getTime() - Method in class nxt.util.Time.CounterTime
getTime() - Method in class nxt.util.Time.EpochTime
getTime() - Method in class nxt.util.Time.FasterTime
getTime() - Method in interface nxt.util.Time
GetTime - Class in nxt.http
GetTimeCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEntry
Return the timestamp
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.Alias
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.AssetHistory
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getTimestamp() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Goods
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.Exchange
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getTimestamp() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getTimestamp() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.Poll
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.Token
getTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.Trade
getTimestamp() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getTimestamp(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getToolTip() - Method in class nxt.env.SystemTrayDataProvider
getTotalAmountNQT() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getTotalBuyLimit() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemPublishExchangeOffer
getTotalCount() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Tag
getTotalDividend() - Method in class nxt.AssetDividend
getTotalFeeFQT() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getTotalFeeNQT() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getTotalSellLimit() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemPublishExchangeOffer
getTrade(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.Trade
getTradeCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.Trade
getTrades - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getTrades(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Account
getTrades(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Asset
GetTrades - Class in nxt.http
GetTradesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getTransaction - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getTransaction() - Method in exception nxt.BlockchainProcessor.TransactionNotAcceptedException
getTransaction() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
Use to parse responses of APIs which return a transaction object like getTransaction
getTransaction(long) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
GetTransaction - Class in nxt.http
getTransactionByFullHash(String) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getTransactionBytes - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetTransactionBytes - Class in nxt.http
GetTransactionBytesCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
GetTransactionCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getTransactionCount() - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getTransactionFullHashes() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPhasingVoteCasting
getTransactionHeight() - Method in class nxt.Order
getTransactionId() - Method in class nxt.Exchange
getTransactionId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getTransactionIndex() - Method in class nxt.Order
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getTransactionProcessor() - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getTransactions() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getTransactions() - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
Use with any API which returns a "transactions" json array
getTransactions(long, byte, byte, int, boolean) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getTransactions(long, int, byte, byte, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getTransactions(String) - Method in class nxt.http.APICall.Builder
Use in case the response transaction array has a different name
getTransactions(Connection, PreparedStatement) - Method in interface nxt.Blockchain
getTransactionTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.PrunableMessage
getTransactionTimestamp() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.AccountControlEffectiveBalanceLeasing
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAskOrderCancellation
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAskOrderPlacement
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetDelete
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetIncrease
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetIssuance
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetProperty
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetPropertyDelete
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetTransfer
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsBidOrderCancellation
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsBidOrderPlacement
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsDividendPayment
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsDelisting
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsDelivery
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsFeedback
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsListing
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsPriceChange
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsPurchase
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsQuantityChange
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsRefund
getTransactionType() - Method in interface nxt.Attachment
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAccountInfo
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAccountProperty
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAccountPropertyDelete
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAliasAssignment
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAliasBuy
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAliasDelete
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAliasSell
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPhasingVoteCasting
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingVoteCasting
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyDeletion
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyMinting
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyTransfer
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemExchangeBuy
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemExchangeSell
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemPublishExchangeOffer
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemReserveClaim
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemReserveIncrease
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.SetPhasingOnly
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingCancellation
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingCreation
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingProcessing
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingRecipients
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingRegistration
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ShufflingVerification
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataExtend
getTransactionType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataUpload
getTransactionType() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getTransferCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.AssetTransfer
getTransferCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getTransfers(int, int) - Method in class nxt.Currency
getType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyIssuance
getType() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.TaggedDataAttachment
getType() - Method in class nxt.Currency
getType() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getType() - Method in class nxt.MonetarySystem
getType() - Method in class nxt.ShufflingTransaction
getType() - Method in class nxt.TaggedData
getType() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getType() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType.AccountControl
getType() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType.ColoredCoins
getType() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType.Data
getType() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType.DigitalGoods
getType() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType
getType() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType.Messaging
getType() - Method in class nxt.TransactionType.Payment
getTypeMap() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getUnconfirmedAssetBalanceQNT(long) - Method in class nxt.Account
getUnconfirmedAssetBalanceQNT(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getUnconfirmedBalance(Account, long) - Method in enum nxt.HoldingType
getUnconfirmedBalanceNQT() - Method in class nxt.Account
getUnconfirmedCurrencyUnits(long) - Method in class nxt.Account
getUnconfirmedCurrencyUnits(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.Account
getUnconfirmedQuantityQNT() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountAsset
getUnconfirmedTransaction(long) - Method in interface nxt.TransactionProcessor
getUnconfirmedTransactionIds - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetUnconfirmedTransactionIds - Class in nxt.http
GetUnconfirmedTransactionIdsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getUnconfirmedTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
GetUnconfirmedTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetUnconfirmedTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getUnconfirmedUnits() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountCurrency
getUnits() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountCurrency
getUnits() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyMinting
getUnits() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemCurrencyTransfer
getUnits() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemExchange
getUnits() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MonetarySystemReserveClaim
getUnits() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyExchangeOffer.AvailableOffers
getUnits() - Method in class nxt.CurrencyTransfer
getUnits() - Method in class nxt.Exchange
getUnits() - Method in class nxt.ExchangeRequest
getUnsignedBytes() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getUnsignedLong(HttpServletRequest, String, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getUnsignedLongs(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class nxt.http.ParameterParser
getUnsignedLongTransactionId() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getUpdateCount() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getUploadedVolume() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getUrl() - Method in class nxt.db.BasicDb
getUserHomeDir() - Method in class nxt.env.AndroidDirProvider
getUserHomeDir() - Method in class nxt.env.DefaultDirProvider
getUserHomeDir() - Method in interface nxt.env.DirProvider
getUserHomeDir() - Method in class nxt.env.UnixUserDirProvider
getUserHomeDir() - Method in class nxt.env.WindowsUserDirProvider
getUserHomeDir() - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
getUserPrincipal() - Method in class nxt.http.MockedRequest
getValue() - Method in class nxt.Account.AccountProperty
getValue() - Method in class nxt.Asset.AssetProperty
getValue() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.ColoredCoinsAssetProperty
getValue() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingAccountProperty
getVersion() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.AbstractAppendix
getVersion() - Method in interface nxt.Appendix
getVersion() - Method in interface nxt.Block
getVersion() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.BlockResponse
getVersion() - Method in interface nxt.http.responses.TransactionResponse
getVersion() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getVersion() - Method in interface nxt.Transaction
getVote(long) - Static method in class nxt.Vote
getVote(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingVote
getVote(long, long) - Static method in class nxt.Vote
getVoteBytes() - Method in class nxt.Vote
getVoteCount(long) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingVote
getVoteId() - Method in class nxt.PhasingVote
getVoterId() - Method in class nxt.PhasingVote
getVoterId() - Method in class nxt.Vote
getVoterPhasedTransactions - nxt.http.callers.ApiSpec
getVoterPhasedTransactions(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
GetVoterPhasedTransactions - Class in nxt.http
GetVoterPhasedTransactionsCall - Class in nxt.http.callers
getVotes() - Method in class nxt.Poll
getVotes(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.PhasingVote
getVotes(long, int, int) - Static method in class nxt.Vote
getVoteWeighting() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Phasing
getVoteWeighting() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.MessagingPollCreation
getVoteWeighting() - Method in class nxt.PhasingParams
getVotingModel() - Method in class nxt.VoteWeighting
getWallet() - Method in class nxt.env.SystemTrayDataProvider
getWarnings() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
getWarnings() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
getWeight() - Method in class nxt.peer.Hallmark
getWeight() - Method in interface nxt.peer.Peer
getWeight() - Method in class nxt.Poll.OptionResult
getWeightedPeer(List<Peer>) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
getWelcomePageUri() - Static method in class nxt.http.API
getWhitelist() - Method in class nxt.Appendix.Phasing
getWhitelist() - Method in class nxt.PhasingParams
getWhitelist() - Method in class nxt.PhasingPoll
goods(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsDelistingCall
goods(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsPriceChangeCall
goods(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsPurchaseCall
goods(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsQuantityChangeCall
goods(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodCall
goods(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsPurchaseCountCall
goods(long) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsPurchasesCall
goods(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsDelistingCall
goods(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsPriceChangeCall
goods(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsPurchaseCall
goods(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsQuantityChangeCall
goods(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodCall
goods(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsPurchaseCountCall
goods(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetDGSGoodsPurchasesCall
GOODS_DELISTED - nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Event
GOODS_LISTED - nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Event
GOODS_NOT_DELIVERED - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
GOODS_PRICE_CHANGE - nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Event
GOODS_QUANTITY_CHANGE - nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Event
goodsData(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsDeliveryCall
goodsIsText() - Method in class nxt.Attachment.DigitalGoodsDelivery
goodsIsText() - Method in class nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Purchase
goodsIsText(boolean) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsDeliveryCall
goodsNonce(byte[]) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsDeliveryCall
goodsNonce(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsDeliveryCall
goodsToEncrypt(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsDeliveryCall
GT - nxt.db.DbClause.Op
GTE - nxt.db.DbClause.Op
GUARANTEED_BALANCE_CONFIRMATIONS - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
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