Package nxt

Class CurrencyFounder

  • public class CurrencyFounder
    extends java.lang.Object
    Each CurrencyFounder instance represents a single founder contribution for a non issued currency Once the currency is issued all founder contributions are removed In case the currency is not issued because of insufficient funding, all funds are returned to the founders
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrencyId

        public long getCurrencyId()
      • getAccountId

        public long getAccountId()
      • getAmountPerUnitNQT

        public long getAmountPerUnitNQT()
      • getFounder

        public static CurrencyFounder getFounder​(long currencyId,
                                                 long accountId)
      • getCurrencyFounders

        public static DbIterator<CurrencyFounder> getCurrencyFounders​(long currencyId,
                                                                      int from,
                                                                      int to)
      • getFounderCurrencies

        public static DbIterator<CurrencyFounder> getFounderCurrencies​(long accountId,
                                                                       int from,
                                                                       int to)