Package nxt.http

Class BroadcastTransaction

  • public final class BroadcastTransaction
    extends APIServlet.APIRequestHandler
    The purpose of broadcast transaction is to support client side signing of transactions. Clients first submit their transaction using CreateTransaction without providing the secret phrase.
    In response the client receives the unsigned transaction JSON and transaction bytes.

    The client then signs and submits the signed transaction using BroadcastTransaction

    The default wallet implements this procedure in nrs.server.js which you can use as reference.

    BroadcastTransaction accepts the following parameters:
    transactionJSON - JSON representation of the signed transaction
    transactionBytes - row bytes composing the signed transaction bytes excluding the prunable appendages
    prunableAttachmentJSON - JSON representation of the prunable appendages

    Clients can submit either the signed transactionJSON or the signed transactionBytes but not both.
    In case the client submits transactionBytes for a transaction containing prunable appendages, the client also needs to submit the prunableAttachmentJSON parameter which includes the attachment JSON for the prunable appendages.

    Prunable appendages are classes implementing the Appendix.Prunable interface.