Package nxt.http

Class GetAccountLedger

  • public class GetAccountLedger
    extends APIServlet.APIRequestHandler

    The GetAccountLedger API will return entries from the account ledger. The account ledger tracks all account changes as determined by the nxt.ledgerAccounts, nxt.ledgerLogUnconfirmed and nxt.ledgerTrimKeep properties.

    Request parameters
    Name Description
    account Account identifier or Reed-Solomon identifier This is an optional parameter and restricts the search to entries matching the account identifier.
    adminPassword Administrator password. The administrator password is required if more than nxt.maxAPIRecords entries are to be searched.
    event Event identifier. The event identifier is ignored unless 'eventType' is also specified. This is an optional parameter and restricts the search to entries matching both 'eventType' and 'event'. Note that the asset identifier, currency identifier or digital goods identifier is the same as the transaction identifier of the creating transaction.
    eventType Event type. This is an optional parameter and restricts the search to entries matching 'eventType'.
    holding Holding identifier. The holding identifier is ignored unless 'holdingType' is also specified. This is an optional parameter and restricts the search to entries matching both 'holdingType' and 'holding'.
    holdingType Holding type. This is an optional parameter and restricts the search to entries matching 'holdingType'.
    includeTransactions Specify TRUE to include the transaction associated with a ledger entry. The default is FALSE.
    includeHoldingInfo Specify TRUE to include the corresponding asset or currency info (name, decimals) with each ledger entry. The default is FALSE.
    firstIndex Return matching entries starting from this index, inclusive, default is 0. Sort is always most recent first.
    lastIndex The index of the last matching entry to return, inclusive. The maximum number of entries returned is limited by the nxt.maxAPIRecords property unless the administrator password is specified.

    Ledger entry fields
    Name Description
    account Account identifier.
    accountRS Account Reed-Solomon identifier.
    balance Update balance for the holding identified by 'holdingType'.
    block Block that created the ledger entry. The current ledger entry will be removed if the block is removed from the blockchain. A new ledger entry will be created when either the block is added to the blockchain again or the transaction is included in a different block.
    change Change in the balance for the holding identified by 'holdingType'.
    event The block or transaction associated with the event.
    eventType Event causing the account change.
    height The block height associated with the event.
    holding The item identifier for an asset or currency balance.
    holdingType The item being changed (account balance, asset balance or currency balance).
    isTransactionEvent TRUE if the event is associated with a transaction and FALSE if it is associated with a block.
    ledgerId The ledger entry identifier. This is a counter that is incremented each time a new entry is added to the account ledger. The ledger entry identifier is unique to the peer returning the ledger entry and will be different for each peer in the network. A new ledger entry identifier will be assigned if a ledger entry is removed and then added again.
    timestamp The block timestamp associated with the event.
    transaction Transaction associated with the event if 'includeTransactions' is TRUE.

    Values returned for 'holdingType'
    Name Description
    ASSET_BALANCE Change in the asset balance. The asset identifier is the 'holding'.
    CURRENCY_BALANCE Change in the currency balance. The currency identifier is the 'holding'.
    NXT_BALANCE Change in the NXT balance for the account. There is no 'holding'.
    UNCONFIRMED_ASSET_BALANCE Change in the unconfirmed asset balance. The asset identifier is the 'holding'.
    UNCONFIRMED_CURRENCY_BALANCE Change in the unconfirmed currency balance. The currency identifier is the 'holding'.
    UNCONFIRMED_NXT_BALANCE Change in the unconfirmed NXT balance for the account. There is no 'holding'.
    • Method Detail

      • processRequest

        protected org.json.simple.JSONStreamAware processRequest​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req)
                                                          throws NxtException
        Process the GetAccountLedger API request
        Specified by:
        processRequest in class APIServlet.APIRequestHandler
        req - API request
        API response
        NxtException - Invalid request